Well I just would like to know honestly why it seems that this "peoples"president is more interested in bussiness than common people.Does he not understand that in finance recovery the trickle down effect is reversed and trickles up.Think about it like this.We as a country bail out a large corporation with $25 million and this same corporation still goes bankrupt,where is the justification and thousands of people and hundreds of families still lose everything.Now you take that same $25 million and help 100 million or more families with home mortgages,home loans and or bill consolidation-collect $300.00-$350.00 or more monthly based on the families income and ability to pay.Than at tax time collect half of their tax refund.This would put the money back into the finances of this country alot sooner than helping these large corporations who basically did the same thing as most people with bad credit(money mismanagement)and were bailed out.Would it not be great to gain $300.00 or more per month to put funds back into our economy.Multiply $300.oo times one hundred million people and you get three hundred billion a month coming into the economical budget of this country.That figure may be wrong but either way you slice it $300.00 monthly from one hundred million families would quickly pay off the deficit and get this country back on track. If you agree repost and lets get it going,maybe one day President Obama will get smart and help the people that really matter with a bailout.Oh and one last thing I seem to remember President elect Obama saying he woul prepare a stimulus package for the American people that would dwarf those sent out by the Bush administration.Ok--Where is it? I know it seems that I am just looking for money from the government but that is not the case.I am just tired of seeing friends of mine in the fire,ems and police service who work two and three jobs and still struggle to make it.99% of whom have a working spouse and children.I would like to see this circulate with your added thoughts(agreeing or not)and eventually get to our USA administration. Thank you
William Jason Hudson

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Comment by Allen on April 18, 2009 at 7:42am
With all the money that he has spent, he could of given each house hold $500,000, taxed that to get the goverments portion and each house hold would have money to spend and help rebuild the economy. Just a thought but i could live with it and hell, the US will never get out of debt with all the money he is spending anyway so why not just give it to the people that need it?
Comment by kenny goines on April 17, 2009 at 1:26am

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