Capt.Alex Arnold's Blog (12)

House book for new members part 2

This is the next couple of pages in the New members House book. I have also included the cover of the book. Enjoy

Welcome to your new…


Added by Capt.Alex Arnold on May 21, 2010 at 1:53pm — 2 Comments

House book for new members.

I have been writing once and a while about communication in the fire service. This got me to thinking about my own house. I pondered about this and figured that I should write a book about what the expectations are for new members in our house and district. This is a work in progress and I wanted to share it with everyone here and get your opinions on the rough draft. I have it mostly done and will be putting it up here in sections. I am starting out with the introduction and the first…


Added by Capt.Alex Arnold on May 20, 2010 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments

Communicating for safety sake?

I was watching a program last night. The topic at hand was change in the federal policies and how we has Americans tend to accept some of these changes when presented to us in the form of “safety” concerns and adopt these new safety rules. They used football, and to be more precise helmets.…


Added by Capt.Alex Arnold on April 14, 2010 at 1:14pm — No Comments

what's bad, is good

I know that you should save the best for last. I think though that I will begin with one of the best. This is a story that I occasionally share with certain people, at particularly difficult times in their life. This story can be read different ways by different people. What this talks about though is social perception and personal perception. This is my favorite granddaddy story. Not just…


Added by Capt.Alex Arnold on April 3, 2010 at 12:46pm — No Comments

What do your words say about you?

Please excuse my delay in continuing the “communications” blog. The Chief was out of town for 2 weeks. Why is it when he goes outta town and leaves me the keys to the caddie, things get busy. I’m not complaining though…Anywho, back on topic.…


Added by Capt.Alex Arnold on March 27, 2010 at 1:35pm — 4 Comments

Expectations/ financial

Let me start with something basic, expectation; even more basic, financial expectations. It is said that of all divorces about 90% of them are due to some type of financial reason. I would tend to agree with this, but what is that fiscal reasoning. I believe that it may be the lack of communication of fiscal expectation.…


Added by Capt.Alex Arnold on February 19, 2010 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Your personal relationship?

I have been contemplating for a few weeks about starting a regular blog on this site. I thought that it would be relatively easy to do, just start typing about something and make it interesting. Ok, not has easy as I thought it could be. I have to give a lot of “props” to the likes of Art and other fire service bloggers. You guys are constantly coming out with relevant topics to…


Added by Capt.Alex Arnold on February 19, 2010 at 12:51pm — 7 Comments

What do your tattoos say?

What does your tattoo say?

I am not inquiring about the old fading dancing girl on the fore arm tats. When I am saying tattoos I am referring to the actions that you have done in your everyday life that is recognized and seen by…


Added by Capt.Alex Arnold on February 18, 2010 at 2:59pm — 1 Comment

Saving a life?

I have been very recently disscussing on another junior posting about juniors and their role. I also tend to go to the home page (not just juniors) of a poster and see what they're about. I can sometimes get a good feeling about what or why they are posting a comment.

I have seen a few persons post on their page things about "wanting to save a life". Now this got me to a thinking about what do they mean by save a life? I posted this question to a young man. He is probably (hopefully) still… Continue

Added by Capt.Alex Arnold on January 7, 2010 at 1:56pm — 1 Comment

Another under lying issue besides a noose and blatant accusations

Breaking news, this just in.... I am not a journalist and have no ties to the journalism agenda. My personal opinion though is that this is the main reason for so much discontent with the recent "noose-gate" scandal on this site.

I am a proud veteran that carries around a pocket size copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I served our countries military to ensure that all rights are protected. But with that must come some due diligence by those backing themselves up with these… Continue

Added by Capt.Alex Arnold on December 18, 2009 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments

I applaud Boston FD's members

I, like most of us here, received an email from the secret list ( It was discussing the brown-out situation in Boston. The following is a portion of the e-mail I received -

But it's a whole lot different now in Boston, MA.

Not surprisingly, defiant off-duty BFD Firefighters are intentionally disobeying BFD orders and voluntarily staffing 3 Boston fire companies that were closed this week as part of a new "brown out" policy aimed at reducing overtime… Continue

Added by Capt.Alex Arnold on July 2, 2009 at 1:33pm — 3 Comments

The littlest fireman (a real tear jerker!!)

Some of you may know this story, but is you don't please keep reading. A friend posted this on myspace and it had me crying by the end. I did a little bit of research on it to say if it was "fact or fiction." It is a fact it took place in 1981 and was one of the original "Make-a-Wish" requests. I have included a link about the whole story. Like most tales over time it has "grown" alittle. But after seeing the facts about it I just had a couple of more tears run down my cheek. This story is… Continue

Added by Capt.Alex Arnold on January 8, 2009 at 11:31am — 6 Comments

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