Another under lying issue besides a noose and blatant accusations

Breaking news, this just in.... I am not a journalist and have no ties to the journalism agenda. My personal opinion though is that this is the main reason for so much discontent with the recent "noose-gate" scandal on this site.

I am a proud veteran that carries around a pocket size copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I served our countries military to ensure that all rights are protected. But with that must come some due diligence by those backing themselves up with these honorable documents.

In many professions, in our wonderful country, they have oaths and moral obligations. Doctors have the Hippocratic Oath. In the many others (i.e. the military, public office, etc.) we take/took an oath to defend something. In the fire and EMS service we have the oath of “Doing no Harm”. I am pretty sure that is true with journalist, at least it use to be.

Journalism use to be an honorable profession. They got the scoop and then did some research to confirm and authenticate what they had. They knew that we the people relied on them to bring us the complete story and the truth of it. It seems to me though, in my opinion, this has gone by the wayside in order to advance personal and corporate agendas. There is no more verifying a story through multiple means. It is a cut throat industry that is willing to sacrifice anything in order to be on top. If it bleeds it leads, right?

Ms. Devone-Pancheco is a journalist; she has “proudly” made that known to us. I would not have known the difference between her and the majority of other members of the FFN except she let us all know that she is. Her recent blog about the noose was distributed to us under the guise of her being a journalist and delivered her “blog” as a story for her company. This is what is at issue here, aside from the accusations of course. Now her, the webmaster, and especislly Fire Rescue are back-peddling on this issue. Ms Devone, was this a story or a blog?

I have gone over that blog perhaps to many times. Not once in that blog does she separate herself from her profession. Never does she state, “I feel…” or “In my opinion…” No, she “reported” to us the story and then added her personal little “jab” at the end. I believe that this is one of the primary reasons why so many of us are disgruntled at the way she, Fire Rescue Mag, and even the Webmaster of this site, handled themselves and this issue.

I will not fight or disagree about the issue of hate in this service, or any other service in this country. I did not defend the Constitution to ensure that hate and racism could continue on. But I did fight for peoples right to “self opinion” and have the right to free speech. Ms. Devone this is where the issue lies, I feel. You failed to seperate yourself and your opinion, and sold your "blog" as a news story when it was not.

There have been many good postings about why this blog was so wrong. I am not writing this to re-iterate any of those. I am writing this to bring out what I feel is one of the main issues at hand. Please good people of the FF Nation, do not let this blog and what it assumed and accused take us off the track. We all humbly know what the issues are in our service and “houses”; address them and move along smartly. If you identify a problem find a solution. Do not continually bring up the same problem. And always remember, in the words of Chief Mark Emery, “Words mean something!”

Be safe and learn something new today.

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Comment by Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd on December 19, 2009 at 8:23am
I think the bigger issue here is the fact that the FFN deleted one of my posts. I made comments bringing attention to the fact that Tim the Chief Editor had to step in and start doing damage control where in fact, the original author should step up and say that she made a bad judgment call when she hit the send button. After reading comments from the webmaster, I learned that the FFN is owned by Fire Rescue Magazine. End of story...

Comment by Joey "BigShow" De Piano on December 18, 2009 at 6:29pm
I agree Capt. but like you said it was the intended "jab" at the end that has more of us burning then a story from no where ,yes we all took oaths for whatever it is we have or do serve as but journalists cut throat or not have not only a moral obligation to the readers but one to their "craft" I don't think her putting her name on it does any of the justice in fact as a so called professional she should have an ounce of common sense to sseperate herself from it and say "this is not my opinion" aside from that obvious statement I want to take a minute here and state something that may or may not be obvious to everyone..If any of us were to go out tomorrow and make a comment like she posted at the end of the article we could and would very well face some kind of back lash for being slander and racist and it is there that she crossed the line by adding that "jab" and like a coward she uses the same constitution I also decided to defend in the Marines, and in that there is laying a bigger beast in the comment and report, first off if this was a real incident someone from aross the nation and this forum should be able to backit up so she isn't looking as bad for misreporting..second..the fact that the basics principals of journalism went out the window is a red flag even the tabloids get the basics right..and they are..Who..What..where when and why..3rd the fact her boss has not done a thing other maybe some stupid excuse for it leads me to believe this was a bunch of Bull story that they made from a past event or combined events of similar things that have gone on throughout fire depts everywhere, and made a "buzz" line to get everyones haunches in a uproar, well I decided as part of that constitution to exercise my free speech right, i am letting you and any reported for this disrespectful little dig know that I forwarded the story to CNN's Robin Meade as well as the Director for NJ State Fire Marshals Office Larry Petrillo who was beyond pissed off and by this time tomorrow nearly every Dept. in NJ with a fax will be reading her derogatory racist remark towards whites, and more over Fire Fighters..I hope she has a truthful answer for CNN
Comment by Alan Shaw on December 18, 2009 at 4:56pm
Very well said. I would have to add however, that in keeping with your theme, there clearly was no ethical or moral code of standards used in the offending blog post or the vapid apology that came later. I think the jury is still out on whether or not journalism is still an honorable profession, but even if it is, that blog was neither journalism nor honorable.

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