Capt.Alex Arnold
  • Male
  • Newport, Wa
  • United States
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Capt.Alex Arnold's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
South Pend Oreille Fire/Rescue (formerly known has Pend Oreille County Fire District # 3)
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
I have had the ability to train and receive an education in many forms of firefighting. I am currently trained in EMS,structure, wildland, and ARFF. I am also trained and experienced in HAZMAT and explosives. I won't list everything here, it would take to long for me to type. Except me for what I bring to the table not all this pretty paper hanging up in my office.
About Me:
Firefighting is a service with a lot of history. The pride that comes with fire/rescue service is a pride that is built on the shoulders of many hard working men and women before us. I am very grateful to have the ability to work in their shadow and legacies. Fire service rarely gets invites to graduations,weddings,anniversaries,etc. We are in the "worst day of your life" business. That is what we get invited to.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Because my wife made me.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Not only making a difference, but I love being the captain of station 31. The crew here are devoted and hard working. Nobody does it better than the house of 1's!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
One of the biggest is recruitment and retention in the volunteer side of fire service.

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Capt.Alex Arnold's Blog

House book for new members part 2

Posted on May 21, 2010 at 1:53pm 2 Comments

This is the next couple of pages in the New members House book. I have also included the cover of the book. Enjoy

Welcome to your new…


House book for new members.

Posted on May 20, 2010 at 4:00pm 3 Comments

I have been writing once and a while about communication in the fire service. This got me to thinking about my own house. I pondered about this and figured that I should write a book about what the expectations are for new members in our house and district. This is a work in progress and I wanted to share it with everyone here and get your opinions on the rough draft. I have it mostly done and will be putting it up here in sections. I am starting out with the introduction and the first…


Communicating for safety sake?

Posted on April 14, 2010 at 1:14pm 0 Comments

I was watching a program last night. The topic at hand was change in the federal policies and how we has Americans tend to accept some of these changes when presented to us in the form of “safety” concerns and adopt these new safety rules. They used football, and to be more precise helmets.…


what's bad, is good

Posted on April 3, 2010 at 12:46pm 0 Comments

I know that you should save the best for last. I think though that I will begin with one of the best. This is a story that I occasionally share with certain people, at particularly difficult times in their life. This story can be read different ways by different people. What this talks about though is social perception and personal perception. This is my favorite granddaddy story. Not just…


What do your words say about you?

Posted on March 27, 2010 at 1:35pm 4 Comments

Please excuse my delay in continuing the “communications” blog. The Chief was out of town for 2 weeks. Why is it when he goes outta town and leaves me the keys to the caddie, things get busy. I’m not complaining though…Anywho, back on topic.…


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At 9:00am on July 6, 2011, Andrew said…
Good day! I am a collector from Ukraine. I suggest you to exchange patches.
At 6:22pm on July 19, 2010, Al Mozingo said…
Which PP?

At 5:57pm on May 21, 2010, David Wayson said…
Hey there, Capt...Thanks for the add. We don't get over your way much but if I do, I'll let you know ahead of time and maybe we can get together. Have a great day and stay safe.
At 3:48pm on February 19, 2010, Doug said…
Thanks for the add, take care bro.
At 2:51pm on February 19, 2010, Lani said…
Thank you!
At 1:09pm on February 2, 2010, Lani said…
Hey Neighbor! I'm in Stevens Co. 1 :)
At 2:35pm on December 4, 2009, John Guthrie said…
hey alex sorry it took so long but ive been real busy with my emt shit. how goes it?
At 5:13pm on November 4, 2009, John Crabbe said…
Yeah, you're funny there pal. No need for anti-depressants though, this is WI, we have plenty of bars to drown the sorrows. I can tell you though Ted Thompson is not a very popular guy for his decision, Favre looks good, but is behind a good team right now.
At 4:51am on May 13, 2009, Patience Ryan said…
Hey Capt Arnold, how are things up in Pend Oreille Co?
At 11:23am on February 4, 2009, Timothy Powell said…
Oh ok I see...yeah hes actually my pastor and a EMT on our dept. Yep, hes right in the middle in the back row. Hes told us lots of awesome stories at training from when he was up there, so thats why I was curious.
I'll let him know you guys said hi.

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