I, like most of us here, received an email from the secret list (www.secretlist.com). It was discussing the brown-out situation in Boston. The following is a portion of the e-mail I received -

But it's a whole lot different now in Boston, MA.

Not surprisingly, defiant off-duty BFD Firefighters are intentionally disobeying BFD orders and voluntarily staffing 3 Boston fire companies that were closed this week as part of a new "brown out" policy aimed at reducing overtime spending.
"It's the people's firehouse. We are volunteering to staff these firehouses to make sure the public gets the protection it deserves," said Boston firefighters union President Ed Kelly, who used a department radio this morning to report that "Volunteer Engine 20 is in service."
The BFD "browned out" three fire companies in response to fiscal issues and the administrations claim that BFD FF's call in sick too frequently. BillS / FireGeezer has more HERE:


I commend them for doing what is right for their community. To be part of the greatest service in the world is what it is all about. It takes a different mind-set and view on things to be superior in this service. It shouldn't be about this pay or getting "kelly days" and all of that other crap. I have seen many "career" firefighters wearing their T-shirts that say things like; "Eat,Sleep,Live Firefighting",or "24/7 Fire fighter". Then when the time comes they want this, that, or another thing.
I have seen many "career" FFs volunteer in smaller VFDs. This is a first though for me, filling a previously "career" station as a "vollie" crew.!! BRAZO ZULU Boston Fire. You guys are doing the right thing. I hope that your administration backs your play. I hope that the communities that you are protecting by doing this gives you buy-in and support. I hope that they truely understand what it is that you guys are doing.
Boston Fire, you guys were given a problem,brown-outs". The city thought they had a good solution, by doing the brown-outs. You guys saw the need and created a better solution for the communities!
I hope that this all works out. I truely wish that other communities across our country see this has an example and follow. Keep up the GREAT job Boston!

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Comment by Oldman on July 3, 2009 at 5:03pm
While i might applaud their intent, I must echo FETC. Their actions might end up causing even bigger problems for the city and the citizens they serve.
Comment by FETC on July 3, 2009 at 9:31am
All I will say out of respect to BFD is this is way bigger than what the public is seeing on the issue.

Now getting back to volunteering during a brown out, under FLSA I think you can't volunteer and be covered under the city's benefit package when it is your job and not officially assigned to duty.

Many towns were asked to take 1 week furloughs to save the city or town money. Many of them balked right from the very start - hell no, we won't do that. Some even pulled the minimum manning in the contract and how does that save money if they need to hire in to fill my spot? So many town managers thought we would just work for 1 week for free instead of being paid to cover that engine or ladder spot. This is the same, no official assigned work, no declaration of disaster, then no coverage bennies and under FLSA working for free without permission is against the law.
Comment by Jack on July 3, 2009 at 1:40am
Capt. I agree whole-heartedly with the decisions the Boston Fireghters made and would in a heartbeat of made the same decisions as they did. I came onto the job to protect and serve the citizens no matter what was happening.

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