Susie Young's Blog (8)

Classic Air/Air Methods crash Flagstaff

Loss of life is never a thing that we ever want to focus on.Today I think we should. We have lost some wonderful people that were doing a very difficult job. Why ? we don't know all the details yet. We should say prayers for the these people as they have passed on on Sunday at 1545 in Flagstaff Arizona.

From Classic Air

Tom Caldwell 54 Pilot

Tom Clausing 36 Paramedic

Michael McDonald 26 Pt and wildland Firefighter being transported from South Rim of Grand… Continue

Added by Susie Young on July 1, 2008 at 2:59pm — No Comments

Thank Him for letting me go ,Thank God I left.

I look back and I think to myself would I be where I am today if I had not gone through it all.I was the best wife I knew how to be .I was the best at evrything I tried to do for him.It didn't pan out , it didn't work.Suck it up.Get your stuff in order and now figure out what you want out of your life. I figure if I could put all of the effort I spent trying to be a great wife into something just for me how I could I help being great at it too.Learn all you can learn. Get enrolled in school(… Continue

Added by Susie Young on June 9, 2008 at 12:56pm — No Comments

What to do Now ?

What do you do now? You have been his wife for several years now. You are checking your drivers license to make sure that you are you .Your entire life has been built around his two jobs and well yours has just been something you did when he was working .You did everything you could to schedule time with him thinking that might help. he made other plans with (the boys) it was always with HER.He would go out take the four wheeler,come back drunk and chase you around the dead end circle where you… Continue

Added by Susie Young on June 5, 2008 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Giving up but still hoping that it would work

I tried to over look all the extra stuff he was getting on the side. That worked until I figured out what he was doing.

He was feeling very guilty about the extra candy he was getting and then decided not to take responsability for wrecking the marriage so he was going to make it look like it was all my fault. The head games were almost more than I could ever take.He would go into another room at the firehouse or at the ER where he worked and call me ,talk for a minute or two then he would… Continue

Added by Susie Young on June 4, 2008 at 1:17pm — No Comments

Being Perfect

This part of being the wife is the hard part.Its hard for the kids too. Expectations run high at home.Wait until they make captain and they are very used to bossing people ! Your husband has been up all night on a big fire.He comes home to an empty house the kids are at school ,you are at work. Count your blessings ! he is now the most onry person on the planet.Up all day, Up all night .It is cold and ice was everywhere they walked or moved, it formed on their helmets,the hoses, the turnouts… Continue

Added by Susie Young on June 3, 2008 at 5:36pm — No Comments

Being The wife Part 3

Now I know how a gold fish feels. He now has all the stuff(except the last load). He is now just driving by to check on the house he says. He brings his girlfriend and now together they are stalking me . I think that she drives by when he isn't with her to make sure he is not with me .I should have posted a sign that says "Look into your future".

The way I know that she and he are driving by is we lived at the end of a dead end circle. It is pretty hard to hide a big dodge diesel truck… Continue

Added by Susie Young on May 28, 2008 at 3:37pm — No Comments

Firefighters wife

I posted part 2 on the comments part 3 will be posted here

Added by Susie Young on May 27, 2008 at 12:10pm — No Comments

Being a Firefighter is a hard job...How to be the WIFE

If your lucky you get a mentor. If you don't, find your butt and with both hands hold on. You are about to get the ride of your life. You will learn how to take care of small plumbing issues,car issues,kid issues,and learn how to go to all family events by yourself. You will feel the urge to get a T-shirt printed that simply says "he is at the station" so that You can stop answering that question. You will want to have several pictures around the house so when "HE" /"SHE" comes home they (the… Continue

Added by Susie Young on May 23, 2008 at 2:00am — 10 Comments

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