What do you do now? You have been his wife for several years now. You are checking your drivers license to make sure that you are you .Your entire life has been built around his two jobs and well yours has just been something you did when he was working .You did everything you could to schedule time with him thinking that might help. he made other plans with (the boys) it was always with HER.He would go out take the four wheeler,come back drunk and chase you around the dead end circle where you lived when you would ask questions about where he had been.
Think I'm kidding about chasing me around think again. You know where he was and he won't tell you cause he thinks your stupid and he can get away with having his cake and eating too just a little longer.Your getting pretty fed up with it all. You know that you have not done anything that wrong to deserve all the crap you are getting from him right now.KICK HIS BUTT TO THE CURB for the last time.Don't let him try to sweet talk you.Stop getting walked on you are not the new carpet your the old carpet.OK now he gone and you hate the fact that he is staying at her mothers house with her .Who's mother lets your daughters boyfriend live in your house and have sex with your daughter when she has two kids already living there with her too???? PIG oink oink oink ! Ok now I have that out of my system.Who do you want to date (you may as well he doing more than dating). The guys that he worked with start coming out of the woodwork.They all want to date you.Truth be known they all just want to have sex with you because they know your husband and get to say they did .Don't go there .I never did . I actually waited awhile before I started dating and seeing people that he knew and I knew.Dated a couple of ex boyfriends that were still around from
long ago that were still fun first . Then it was the hottest guy I knew that we both knew that I decided to start finding and find him I did. The important part is we hooked up and started going to lunch first and then it was moving pretty fast .Then BOOM! the husband that you are thinking is out of the picture suddenly calls the hottie ! There is a political discussion.Political because the husband is a captain on the fire dept and the hottie is a BC on another fire department in another city. The husband makes waves and motions that if the BC keeps seeing me that he would call this person or that .I don't get it, he is with someone else why can't I be with my hottie ? Hottie and I talked a bit a we backed off for a while.Just between you and I the Hottie and I stayed friends and we have just recently found one another again. We are talking about things.Hottie still thinks I'm hot ! By the way did I tell you that I've seen the ex-husbands new wife that was then his girlfriend. they have been married for a while now(I'm not sure how long really cause I don't care) EEEEWWWWWEEEEE! Train Wreck ! I am laughing now.He is now married to fatty patty and so not happy! One of the guys he works with told me that even he said she was "one ugly woman".Good Luck !

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