Featured Blog Posts (1,722)

Firefighters Don't Work in Cubicles, but you Would Never Know it by our Start Time.


I have a question. Why is it that most firefighter shifts start around 7:00 am? Why are firefighters forced to deal with rush hour traffic and add to the rush hour mess? After all we work a 24 hour shift, why couldn’t we begin our day at say 10:00am or 11:00am?…


Added by Timothy O. Casey on June 25, 2013 at 9:20am — No Comments

Police and Firefighter Hiring Trend Continues

Earlier this year I wrote about the Turning Tide in Police and Firefighter Hiring. As we reach the midyear point, police and firefighter hiring trend appears to be accelerating along with a couple of interesting twists. Click the link below o read the full article:…


Added by Bill Booth on June 12, 2013 at 3:48pm — No Comments

We do Face Death Every Day Like it or Not.

Over the course of my career and post retirement I have had more people than I can name ask me or imply that yes firefighting is a dangerous job, but you were never really at risk of death or that the idea a firefighter can die any day they go to work is kind of bull shit.

A part of me wants to agree with them. I know I only had a handful of times where I was in a…


Added by Timothy O. Casey on June 10, 2013 at 10:57pm — No Comments

High Intensity Cardio Challenges for the Firehouse

Time is always been and will always be the number one reason we miss workouts.  As Fire Rescue Athletes, we work unusual hours and our workouts are often interrupted by calls.  Lately I've been creating and testing some highly efficient cardio interval workouts on my bootcamp classes and crew.  Today's blog will give you  two of the more effective ones and teach you some ways to integrate them into your busy schedules and workouts. …


Added by Aaron Zamzow on June 10, 2013 at 12:01pm — No Comments

EF3 excerpt

Except reprinted with permission of pipenozzle dot com. Visit site for complete entry.

At the end of a hot, muggy southern Michigan May day, I pulled my truck into the Coca Cola warehouse lot and glanced up at sky blue everywhere but over downtown Kalamazoo where a black thunderhead passed over as they tended to do on hot, muggy spring afternoons.  The only thought I had concerned turning in my paperwork at the front office, and then getting in…


Added by Barry Greer on June 5, 2013 at 6:45pm — No Comments

Communication requires effort

In every AAR (after action review) that I have ever been to, problems with communication ranks in the top three of “what went wrong”.  Often the source of frustration is blamed on equipment or new technology or both.  Despite all contributing factors, the question remains: Is the message ‘sent’ the message ‘received’ as intended?

Training gives us the…


Added by Phil Ambrose on June 1, 2013 at 1:00am — No Comments

It is the ‘something’ that can kill you – Confined Space Training

An estimated 90% of the people that die in confined spaces die because of a toxic environment. Understanding that a 1/2 percent of a drop in Oxygen doesn’t sound like much but it’s 5000 PPM of something. How much of a chemical do you need to be toxic or fatal? Bill Bennett from Safety Systems Inc. in Northern VA reinforces what he teaches in the…


Added by Phil Ambrose on May 29, 2013 at 1:16am — No Comments

Overtime at knockdown: Hidden IDLH game begins.

Under active fire conditions the dangers are extreme and the stakes are high. Upon the declaration of knock-down the fire should be out, victims saved, and acute hazards controlled.

The game is not over. The long term carcinogenic by-products of combustion remain and may even be worse than under active fire conditions. When overhaul begins think of it…


Added by Phil Ambrose on May 29, 2013 at 1:11am — No Comments

Are you taking care of your own

I posted about Brotherhood in the Fire Service and would like to give some more of my views. I have been a firefighter for 15 years. A volunteer for 15 and a full career firefighter for the last 8 years. I grew up in a Fire Department my father was an Assistant Chief and Chief when I was a kid and was a Captain when I joined. It is what I have known and I love it and would not change it for anything in the world. Now a little twist to my career and how I am dealing with it. As I said I have…


Added by Ronnie Carr on May 20, 2013 at 1:01pm — 1 Comment

The Fire Service and You

What does the Fire Service mean to you? I have asked this question many times to people who have just begun their careers in the Fire Service and you get a lot of different answers anywhere from I have always wanted to be a firefighter. This could be because they grew up in the Fire Service as one of their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles etc. was a firefighter and they loved what they saw growing up to the answer of well I saw the fire department was giving a test and I figured that…


Added by Ronnie Carr on May 20, 2013 at 12:23pm — No Comments

Our Fire Department Challenge

From my blog at FireGroundWorks.

We often talk of the challenges we face in the field; the ambiguous, complex, and confusing incidents that attack our senses and tax our ability to beat them. Instead of all the talk about “what” we face, why not focus on “how” we can successfully win against it.…


Added by Billy Schmidt on May 8, 2013 at 7:41am — No Comments

What is it Like in the Fire House Bedroom?


I have been asked if Firefighters are good in bed and since I’ve only slept with one, my ex-wife, I have a very limited data base on the subject. I won’t discuss my ex-wife in this post as that is far too private for a blog. I will offer some stories about firefighters in bed that I do know all too well.…


Added by Timothy O. Casey on May 3, 2013 at 12:54pm — No Comments

Emotional Support for Line of Duty Death Survivors

Local newspaper headlines report the sad news of another fallen hero. The tragic death of a brave firefighter who has died in the line of duty. A dedicated professional who sacrificed his or her life that others may live or that homes and property would be saved from the ravages of fire. Most people halfheartedly acknowledge the event while searching for more…


Added by Peggy Sweeney on May 3, 2013 at 8:35am — No Comments

People ask how do I Feel About Boston and West Texas, I don't feel Good.

I have had a lot of friends ask me how do firefighters feel about all the things that have happened this week in America, from the Boston Marathon to West, Texas and the many other tragic events less reported. I can’t speak for all firefighters and would never attempt something so arrogant as to try and express how it feels to lose a…


Added by Timothy O. Casey on April 19, 2013 at 1:21pm — No Comments

the alan ackley idiot's guide to fire protection

Excerpt with permission of blog posted at pipenozzle.com

Firehouse.com reprinted a New London Day article reporting that Poquonnock Bridge Fire District czar Alan Ackley wants to take PBFD into the future by returning to the past, a vague romanticized past where PBFD property owners were protected by volunteer firefighters. You might ask him to first read …


Added by Barry Greer on April 17, 2013 at 11:00pm — 3 Comments

New Firemen are Smarter, but are they Better?

There is a life cycle for a firefighter. Some people say as a child, I want to be a firefighter when I grow up and they do. Some like me fall into it and now a days there is a new type of firefighter, the well educated-advanced-degree-holding-uncommitted-I-need-a-job-for-now kind.…


Added by Timothy O. Casey on April 13, 2013 at 3:25pm — No Comments

Take Care of the Tools that Take Care of You

Follow the link below to my article on ensuring our basic life-saving equipment is checked often.  Essentially these are the tools that take care of us!



Added by Brad Maness on April 11, 2013 at 6:23pm — No Comments

Being Proactive While Assigned to RIT


Follow the link below to an article I posted on my webpage.  It identifies what our RIT companies should be doing on the fireground.  Just because we have caught the RIT assignment doesn't mean we have to just stand around grumbling because we didn't catch the first line.  Click the link below to continue reading.…


Added by Brad Maness on April 11, 2013 at 6:14pm — No Comments

Developing an Annual Fire Department Training Plan


Follow the link below to an article I posted on my webpage about developing a training program for your fire department.  The information provided can be very helpful to new and old training officers or just anyone assigned to cover a drill night. 



Added by Brad Maness on April 11, 2013 at 6:09pm — No Comments

Why is There Suicide in the Fire Service?

Author’s Note: I address firefighters in this article, but the information provided applies to any and all emergency response professionals.

Suicide is a very serious topic that we rarely discuss. Each year, thousands of adults and children either attempt or complete suicide to resolve problems or put an end to emotional pain. As a result of their deaths, surviving family members and friends not only grieve, but must cope with feelings of guilt, anger,…


Added by Peggy Sweeney on April 10, 2013 at 11:16am — No Comments

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