Reserves are starting to be taken. I have provided the link to reserve your copy. We are allowing firefighters to reserve their copies before everyone else. They are 15.00 + (3.00 shipping). when released it will be 20.00 + 3.00 shipping. So get reserve your copy now. There is a link to my myspace page where there is a paypal button for the reserve.
Proceeds from the album go to The National Fallen Firefighter Foundation. 50%. The… Continue
Arnold - one of my dogs. The most affectionate, sweetest, always knew when I was down and could always make me feel better.
Born April 25th 1995, lost to Canine Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA) on March 14th 2008.
Part Dachshund, Part Chihauhau, Part Cocker, Part Schnauzer, All adorable. He meant more to me than most people can imagine. He was born in my house. I still have his brother and his mother. I have not felt… Continue
Added by 99 on March 18, 2008 at 12:00am —
1 Comment
Our fire dept took part in St. Baldrick's again this year and I chose to shave my head to stand in solidarity with those that lose their hair due to cancer. I didn't actually get out to raise donations because I was sick but still shaved my head. If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, you can donate here: Thanks ahead of time. We have all been affected by cancer in one way or another.
Added by Pam on March 17, 2008 at 8:44pm —
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Hey everyone just wanted to let everyone know I did an interview last week and it has been published in the Sumter herald. If you wanna check it out the web address is www. my Hope each and every one of you enjoy it and take care.
My name is Michael. I am married and have a three year old son. I got into the fire department after my brother invited me come and see what it was like. Ever since that night Ive been very involved with the fire department in my community. I like spening time with my family and friends whenever I can. I love to throw mud around in my truck every chance I get and go hunting when I can. Im curently trying to get a group of friends together to join the forestry commision so that we can help with… Continue
Added by Michael on March 16, 2008 at 10:19am —
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Standing in chest deep water, freezing rain falling and stinging as it hits the exposed parts of my body. Holding her head above water to keep her from drowning until rescue could get there to cut her free
Comforting a 89 year old woman who just watch me and my partner cover the face of her husband of 64 years as he lay dead in their bathroom floor
Official arrogance
Article Launched: 03/12/2008 10:38:46 PM PDT
"Once again, government employees have arrogantly abused the people.
March 5, around 12:15 p.m., the California Highway Patrol stopped all eastbound traffic near Alabama Street in Redlands to make way for a funeral procession. Said procession consisted of dozens of firetrucks from dozens of agencies and departments.
From Fankie: Dear Brothers & Sisters those of you who have sent patches from your departments it really means the world to me thanks. I've recieved about 50 patches so far, and the chief and I figured it would take about 200 to fill the board. For those of you that don't know what I'm doing I'm creating a honor patch board for my dad who retired from my department and in the past to years has lost his sight and found to have cancer which he is undergoing treatment. I'm doing this to honor… Continue
Added by Heather on March 15, 2008 at 3:29pm —
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Memorial to the 2 Salisbury Fire Fighters that lost their lives 3-7-08 .
Two North Carolina Firefighters Killed Battling Five-Alarm Mill Blaze
but You will never be forgotten, God Bless You forever, Rest in peace guys!
Because You are blessed and highly favored by Our Lord God… Continue
Added by Jim Legington on March 15, 2008 at 1:32pm —
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Believe it or not, we have the 2nd largest St. Patty's Day parade in the nation, only behind New York City. You always here of Boston's, Chicago's and NYC's, but Pittsburgh is right up there folks! We are steeped with Irish tradition around here. Be proud to be Irish! Be proud to be an Irish firefighter!…
Karen Larimore Wilkinson, PIO
Public Information and Communications Manager
City of Salisbury
217 S. Main Street
Salisbury, North Carolina 28144
Work Phone: 704-638-2113 Cell: 704-213-1050
Work Email Contact:
Chief Bob Parnell Shares Visitation and Graveside Service Schedule
for Fallen Salisbury Firefighter Victor A.… Continue
Added by Wolfy Lang on March 14, 2008 at 10:25pm —
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OK..So I don't know if this is real or just a publicity be honest I'm guessing the latter. However, why not sign just in case.
Had a bad grass fire yesterday. Since we are a volunteer department, we were lucky that the fire happened at the time of day that it did. When it was first called out. I was the only one to respond. After I got to the fire and hosed it down using our brush truck I was able to get it under control and as luck would have it, I ran out of water JUST as our pumper arrived ( another member heard me talking to SO telling them I was I R to the scene). He had just gotten off work when he heard me… Continue