Post From a friend in need, Please Read!!!

From Fankie: Dear Brothers & Sisters those of you who have sent patches from your departments it really means the world to me thanks. I've recieved about 50 patches so far, and the chief and I figured it would take about 200 to fill the board. For those of you that don't know what I'm doing I'm creating a honor patch board for my dad who retired from my department and in the past to years has lost his sight and found to have cancer which he is undergoing treatment. I'm doing this to honor my teacher, hero, and best friend. So for those of you that could send a patch, it doesn't have to be new it can be off an old shirt it would really mean alot. If you can't I undertsand but please keep my dad in your prayers. If you could pass the word out to your friends that would be fantastic. My address is: Frankie Winslow 306 Hall street Tarboro North Carolina 27886. God bless you all and keep you safe. Thanks brothers and sisters and have a great weekend. Frankie

I have already sent him a patch, if you have to ask your Chief for one, do it! We are all one big family, ya know?

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