  • 65, Male
  • New York
  • United States
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Rom919's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Varick Volunteer Fire Company, Inc
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
2011-Present Varick Volunteer Fire Company, Romulus, NY
2009-2011 Romulus Volunteer Fire Dept - Romulus, NY
1976-2009 Oxbow Volunteer Fire Co. - Oxbow, NY
2005-Present Five Points Correctional Facility Fire Brigade
2005-2007 Romulus Volunteer Fire Dept - Romulus, NY
1982-1983 Hollywood Vol Fire Dept - Hollywood, MD
1983-1985 Bay District Vol Fire Dept - Lexington Park, MD
1987-1990 City of Chesapeake, Va, Vol Fire Force - Chesapeake, VA
My Training:
Incident Command - various
National Fire Academy - various
Truck Operations
About Me:
I am a 35 + veteran of the volunteer fire force. I have held the Asst. Chief position for 4 years and have held the Chief position during the Ice Storm of 1998. I have had multiple fire experiences including some of the best training in the country while I resided in Maryland. I became a Truckie during my early years and had to return to Engine Company Ops during most of my career. Nothing drives me with more pride than being a firefighter.
Day Job:
NYS Correctional Officer
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My Dad recruited me, by telling me how important it was to help your community and letting me go and watch him participate on calls.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It is the most direct way to give of yourself to your community.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
RECRUITMENT - We have to get the State involved by getting training into BOCES. Today's youth have not been taught to care about their community as much as themselves. We have to come up with idea's that today's youth relate to and will join. Most of all we must start early (12 -15) with exployers, and not turn down any that join at age 16. If we wait till 18 or later, we will loose as a organization over and over again.

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At 11:06am on October 17, 2009, Justin Scott said…
hey thanks for the add be safe out there
At 7:55am on September 18, 2009, Janet Fife said… makes a mount specifically for our light. I think I can get a sample for you, let me check.

I am so impressed with the construction out there. Fires are a daily thing out here - always see smoke on the horizon...areas north of Los Angeles burning right now. Under control by this weekend but over 160,000 acres burned so far.
Have a great weekend.
At 10:46am on September 17, 2009, Janet Fife said…
Good morning, I'm back from vacation and just wanted to see how you liked the sample I sent. I am hoping to visit your region soon, perhaps we can chat if you have the time.
At 5:13am on September 10, 2009, Kris Sihachack said…
Hi, just stopping by to show some love! ;-D Have a great week.
At 9:05pm on September 9, 2009, Janet Fife said…
I hope you enjoy the light. I have just returned from BurningMan and had a great vacation. I look forward to hearing your feedback.
At 3:45pm on August 23, 2009, morris washburn said…
Hey Tom . How is things in NEW YORK ! Great i hope . I visited my old dept. back in July and man what a change .. The County screwed up things there .. Have a grab and run box and a mutual aid for sec. due ? Because they dont have enough ppl to respond , but the County put in an auto matic dispatch, that is fine but what if its a false alarm !! Is this asking for trouble !! Well any away I just wanted to stop by and say Hello .. Take Care my friend ,be safe .. Morris
At 1:55pm on August 22, 2009, Janet Fife said…
You can reach me at
We have lights with green led's just for pilots and handhelds that are 500+ lumens.
At 1:37pm on August 22, 2009, Janet Fife said…
We engineer specialized illumination tools. Initially for the military, then police and now our new line is focused on fire/rescue. Remember Arnold's lazer from the Terminator movie? -That was us.
The first two handheld lights have been released (I would be happy to get a sample for you) and the remaining lights in the series will be out by the end of the year.
At 10:45pm on July 24, 2009, Amanda said…
im home i really didnt even want to leave. i over worked my knee tho and i can barley walk lol oh well it was totally worth it. i will have tons of pictures everyone from camp is posting all their pictures on facebook so ill steal some plus ill have mine =]
At 8:00am on July 24, 2009, Janet Fife said…
Thanks Rom. I admit I was a little lost on the Duck story. I will definately watch out for him. unless he plans to send me to Cancun.

Is anyone going to be offended that I have joined your group and am not a firefighter? Through my job, I spend a lot of time in the company of firefighters and this seemed like a fun, relaxed group.

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