Western NY, FF's and EMS


Western NY, FF's and EMS

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Comment by Pararescue on November 22, 2011 at 10:55am

Good mornin everyone. Just wanna drop in and say "Hi!" And put a call my former and soon to be current department responded to. All of the brothers are doing well and in good spirits after this call. Taker a look and see just how bad it can get. I know what I'm thankful for this and every year. Train hard, smart and often.


Comment by Keith "Blinkers" Benkleman on April 6, 2010 at 7:48am
Howdy all, Keith Benkleman from Bowmansville here, remember to put your safety and the safety of your crew first, we can't help others if we become a victim. Stay Safe
Comment by Matt Nesius on March 16, 2010 at 9:53pm
Hello all, I wanted to invite you to check out a new site called www.Brother hoodFirst.com. Its a site for FFs to buy, sell and trade with other FFs, for Free. Thanks, stay safe.
Comment by Dan Curtis on October 4, 2009 at 11:03am
Dan Curtis here from the Bowmansville Fire Company Hi to all and stay safe as we protect those who call on us!Stop by and say whats up!
Comment by Trevor Wendt on March 30, 2009 at 11:42am
the Cambria Fire Co. Jr FF post 0432 is having all-you-can-eat pasta luncheon and basket raffle!
April 26th at the hall. doors open at 11.
tix are $7 for adults and $4 for kids 12 and under
for questions you can email me Trw293@aol.com
THANKS!!! =D hope to se ya there
Comment by Peter Scarborough on December 9, 2008 at 8:45pm
Any of you who have access to the Buffalo News from last Sunday (12-07-08) should read the article on the front page of the Niagara Section. I sent the following to The Union Sun for the 'Guest View' but they wouldn't put it in.

In nearly sixty-five years on this earth, I know I must have received several slaps in the face, both literal and figurative. I can’t, however, remember getting three from three people all at the same time. This happened to me on Sunday, December 7, 2008, when I read an article in the Niagara Section of that day’s issue of The Buffalo News, by Thomas J. Prohaska, with the headline, “Firefighting tug of war”. In the article, Mr. Prohaska quotes North Tonawanda Fire Chief Joseph Krantz, N.T. Firefighters Union President, Francis DeMart, and Lockport Mayor Michael Tucker. While their respective words varied slightly, the theme was all too familiar; Volunteer Firefighters are somehow inferior to our paid counterparts. Chief Krantz described North Tonawanda’s Department as “…adequate”, but went on to say, “If we were a fully paid department, we’d be a fully staffed department.” The article states there are 38 ‘professional’ and 75 volunteer firefighters in N.T. There it is, that’s the word I object to, “Professional” used as the opposite of volunteer, as if we were somehow second-class substitutes. Mayor Tucker, whom I had the pleasure of working along side as a UAW Committeeman in my Harrison days, used it too. He said, “I’ve always supported a professional Fire Department. I think a professional Fire Department is a great asset in the city. I’ve never felt the need to go to volunteers, ever.” What did you mean Mr. Mayor that it’s lucky that city residents don’t have to settle for second best? Mr. DeMart did no better when discussing training and drill requirements for his Department. He is quoted as saying, “When I’m in [a burning building] with one or two people, I’d like to be in there with someone with equal training with me.” He does not want to wonder, “Did he go to drill this month?” He outlined the training requirements of a ten to thirteen week Fire Academy course, and a monthly drill for all N.T. firefighters. New York State Volunteers are required to take that same training, but to make it a little easier for those who have not chosen the Fire Service as a career; it is broken into smaller parts. In my Company (Hartland) we hold weekly drills, not monthly. In my 32 years in the Volunteer Fire Service, I have taken a lot of training, ranging from basic skills training, to arson, hazardous materials, auto extrication, and specialized rescue courses. I was a New York State Emergency Medical Technician for 21 years, including nine years at the Intermediate level. It is significant that at a personal level, career and volunteer Firefighters work and play well together. We are all out there doing the same thing. In my opinion, and that of many I have talked to, the only difference between a paid Firefighter and a Volunteer is that while one has chosen it as a career, the other has chosen it in addition to a career. So please don’t use the word “professional” as the opposite of “volunteer”.
Comment by Bee on October 3, 2008 at 8:34am
Hi everyone check out my page and stay safe
The Bee
Comment by Dave, NB 9 on May 25, 2008 at 11:00am
One of FFN's own has been KIDNAPPED!!!!Posted by Engineco913 on May 17, 2008 at 7:53pm in The Fire's Out - Non Duty Forums

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FirefighterNation.com Members,

Listen carefully! We are a group of individuals who represent a small but grammatically correct faction. At this time we have one of your fellow members and bloggers in our possession. Her member name is FASNYtraining, but many of you know her as the FNG(irl). She is currently safe and unharmed but if you want her to see the light of day and her computer keyboard again, you must follow our instructions to the letter.

Here are our demands:
You will leave a large sum of money in a brown paper bag next to the dumpster. You will visit the following website and make a donation in any denomination (don’t get cheap on us now) on her fundraising page for the half marathon she is running for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society: http://www.active.com/donate/tntnyvt/tntnyvtMShea1

The ransom will be paid in small, unmarked bills so they can’t be traced. Once you have made a donation, you may post a comment here to advise us of your actions. Until the requisite funds have been raised, the FNG(irl) will remain held in hiding. She is unable to e-mail, post, comment or otherwise communicate (and it’s KILLING her).

Any deviation from these instructions will result in the immediate execution of her computer. (That’s right, we used the word EXECUTION!) No more “FNG(irl)” blog posts, no more “TNT: The Accidental Runner” posts, no updates on her antics in Firefighter Boot Camp, no more… you get the picture. The individuals watching over your fellow member are a group of bilingual illiterates (they can’t read or write in two different languages) who failed 9th grade English 3 times. (9 x 3 = 23, carry the 4, to the nth degree – Oh screw it. We’re not good at
math either.)

Therefore, we do not particularly like Little Miss Grammarpants and we strongly advise you not to provoke us. Speaking to anyone about this situation, such as Web Chief, or anyone else on her, albeit limited, friends list will result in her loss of other privileges while in captivity.

We’ll start by withholding her coffee. If we catch you talking to a stray dog, we’ll take away her chewing gum. If you alert the blogging authorities, her almighty expensive Mizuno sneakers will be tossed off the Dunn Memorial Bridge into the Hudson River.

If the donations are in any way determined to be slow in forthcoming, or insufficient, we’ll tighten her gag so that she can’t talk or eat BBQ. Follow our instructions and you stand a better than average chance of getting her back. (Are you sure you want her? OMG: She never shuts UP.)

You, as Firefighternation.com members, are under our constant watch. Don't start trying to be brave or grow a brain now. We
can not be out-smarted.

Now, it is up to you FirefighterNation Members!
Do the right thing.

The F.O.G.I.E.S.

P.S. – The reward for helping to achieve her fundraising goal will come to you two-fold, in the form of blogs. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Comment by Dave, NB 9 on May 25, 2008 at 10:58am
Permalink Reply by Dave, NB 9 - 1 2 seconds ago
Delete Permalink Reply by Joe Stoltz on May 18, 2008 at 8:27am

All kidding aside, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society needs your help. Mary Ellen is participating in her fourth Team In Training to raise funds which will help the Society stop leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma from taking more young lives.

She is completing this event - a 13 mile run - in honor of Brianna Blank from Western NY, and in memory of Tanner Zullo from Albany, NY and for Aidan O'Malley from Chicago, IL.

For the past five months she has been spending her Saturday mornings running through rain and snow to train for this event. She's doing the hard part to achieve her goal. We can help her with our financial suppport.

Please take a moment to visit the link above and make a contribution to a worthy cause.

It's all about saving lives. In the Fire and EMS service, there are times when we make a difference, and other times when we can't. This is one of the times we CAN make a difference.
Comment by Chief Marc K on April 30, 2008 at 2:57pm

MAY 3, 2008 – 9:00 AM
3747 Lockport Road, Sanborn, NY


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