Joe Stoltz
  • Male
  • Canandaigua, NY
  • United States
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  • Angela Wyatt
  • Joe
  • JBond
  • Kyle Foley
  • James L.Hoffman, Jr
  • lucas miller
  • WestPhilly
  • Mike Walker
  • Annette WALKER
  • Travis
  • Justin Scott
  • Clint Witham
  • Travis Bowers
  • Kayli Borell
  • Kevin O'Toole

Joe Stoltz's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Bristol VFD, Bristol NY
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Scottsville FD, Monroe County NY 1982-1986
My Training:
Accident Victim Extrication
Arson Awareness and Fire Behavior
Basic Wildland Search Skills
Breathing Apparatus Specialist School
Child Abduction Response Team
Conducting Live Fire Training Evolutions
Confined Space Awareness and Safety
Domestic Preparedness: The Role of Policy Making Officials
Domestic Preparedness: WMD Awareness
Emergency Vehicle Operations Course
EMT Certified 1989
EMT refreshers 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007
Essentials of Firemanship
Firefighter Safety and Survival
Foam Operations
Hazardous Materials First Responder Operations
Initial Fire Attack
Introduction to Fire Officer
IS-100, 200, 300, 700, 800
Live Fire Training Safety
Public Safety Critical Incident Management
Pump Operator
Recognizing Clandestine Drug Lab Operations
School Bus Rescue
Terrorism Awareness
About Me:
Past Chief, BVFD
Day Job:
Electrical Engineer
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
It was something I had always wanted to do, even as a small child. When I finally got the chance to join a department, I was hooked for life.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Being part of a close community of men and women dedicated to helping others in their time of need.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Firefighter Safety and Survival
Lack of volunteers especially rural EMS volunteers

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Joe Stoltz's Blog

Chronicles of a New Chief: Incident Command Secrets Part I

Posted on December 27, 2009 at 3:47pm 2 Comments


I also serve as a Deputy EMS Coordinator for the County. In this volunteer position my role is to respond to incidents involving two or more EMS agencies in my half of the County. The coordinator’s job is to represent the Emergency Management Office and ensure that all EMS agencies on scene are working together, all patients are being cared for, and just try to be of general help while not getting in the way. Most incidents are vehicle crashes, although I have also… Continue

Chronicles of a New Chief

Posted on December 24, 2009 at 8:30pm 8 Comments

On 7 December 2009 I was elected Fire Chief by my Department. This is for a one year term for the calendar year 2010, overseeing the operation of a rural volunteer fire department serving about 2800 people over an area of 40 square miles.

As this will be my first time as chief, I’ve experienced a wide range of thoughts and emotions since the election. I had the idea that if I captured some of these thoughts and emotions and published them as a blog, they would prove humorous to…

Back to the Earth

Posted on June 14, 2009 at 9:56pm 1 Comment

I have not been active on FFN for a while, and for good reason. A discipline problem has made 2009 pretty stressful at times. Due to ongoing legal issues there’s not much more I can say about it now, however the story will be told in a future blog. I will say that as 1st Assistant Chief I have tried to shoulder some of the load borne by the Chief, and help resolve the problem.

But I digress.

My wife and I have taken up gardening, and we are on our second year of tending a… Continue

Memorial Day 2009

Posted on May 23, 2009 at 7:01pm 11 Comments

On Memorial Day we should - and most do - remember and honor those who have given their lives for this great country. We should also remember and thank those who have served our country in wartime or in peace. There are several men that I remember quite often, and not just once a year. I certainly don’t need a reminder from anyone to recall them to my memory. Let me tell you about them.

My great-great grandfather, Ira S. Thurber, was a Lieutenant in the 64th Regiment, New York State… Continue

Then, and Now

Posted on February 1, 2009 at 12:00pm 9 Comments

cattaraugus 2.jpg

On a late summer day in 1949, the members of the Cattaraugus Fire Department are putting their new pumper through its paces. A drafting operation has been established at an unknown location in Cattaraugus County, New York.

The truck has just arrived from Young Fire Equipment in Buffalo, and is equipped with a 500 GPM… Continue

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At 1:02pm on May 11, 2012, Cindy Devone-Pacheco, FireRescue said…

Hello, Joe:

My name is Cindy and I am one of the editors for FireRescue magazine. We really like the photos you posted about the "Case Study: Small fire in basement" and I was wondering if we could use one to complement an article that we'll be posting today? If so, please let me know. We will of course, list you as the photographer. Thank you.

At 7:51pm on November 28, 2011, FireSiren said…

Still stirrin the pot, huh? lol

At 2:23pm on September 9, 2010, Justin Scott said…
just stopping by to say hello. stay safe
At 7:43pm on July 19, 2010, Jennifer Soper said…
My Uncle Fritz wanted me to tell you and all of his FFN friends to visit this site and tell your friends.

At 10:37pm on March 2, 2010, Justin Scott said…
hey chief just stopping by to say hello. how are things in the hills ?
At 10:35am on December 30, 2009, Marvin Hawk said…
Congrats on the white helmet. May it never get so heavy that you regret ever putting it on. I love the Prelude to a walk in the Woods call. As a Chief the words I always hated most coming from dispatch was "possible". It usually meant an all day/niter or a pain in the butt in paperwork "milk" run. By the way there is no such thing as a "milk" run, some one or something will always manage to screw it up.
At 9:39pm on December 24, 2009, Justin Scott said…
congrats chief... im sure youll do fine, u got a great group behind ya
At 11:17pm on December 13, 2009, Justin Scott said…
hey Joe just stopping by to say hello. stay safe and warm brother
At 9:11pm on December 8, 2009, Jessica Travis said…
your very welcome :)
At 7:55pm on November 29, 2009, James L.Hoffman, Jr said…
Joe me to about missing some of these calls but then again i'm the capt. and should be their
At 10:24am on November 26, 2009, Justin Scott said…
happy thanksgiving joe
be safe brother
At 1:50am on October 19, 2009, Justin Scott said…
hey joe, just stopping by to say hello, be safe out there brother and keep warm. its that time of the year
At 12:36am on October 9, 2009, Justin Scott said…
hey joe just stopping by to say hello.
be safe out there brother
At 2:12pm on September 14, 2009, Justin Scott said…
hello joe thanks for the add. i used to live over that way for a short time in naples, used to run with em. be safe brother
At 9:39am on June 11, 2009, Mick Shelley said…
Your more then welcome Joe, it's good to have you
brother. Stay safe out there.
At 9:25am on May 29, 2009, O'Kitty said…
You're not dead after all!!! It's aliiivvvee!!
At 11:10am on May 27, 2009, Leonard (Rusty) Endicott said…
You are totally right the fire ground is not the correct to address anything. I was looking for feed back on what others would think. I would go through proper channels. My concern is firefighter safety, if I see something wrong I wonder if they know the facts. I think you for your input and be safe out there.
At 1:10am on April 3, 2009, Kevin O'Toole said…
Joe, thanks so much for the kind words. I'll try and keep u all updated through the process and hopefully will become more active on FFN as well! Feel free to send any of ur friends my way.
At 1:00am on March 19, 2009, Palmyra Chief Donaghey said…
Joe, Its that time here also everyone burning off brush&leaves 4 brush fires this week. Keeping our brush trucks up is difficult, cannt be afraid to use them for what they are. I still hate scratches on our equiptment. Lay of land here is much like Ithaca/ Finger Lakes area, we work 4x4s and skid units hard. Often use Dept of Forestry CAT Dozer to cut fire breaks. Told the boys recently (when they were crying about cold,26 degrees) about hitting a hydrant one January evening in 1991 at -20 degrees and having to tow 2 300ft sections of 5" back to the station frozen. I dont miss that part of upstate NY. PlaySafe=)
At 12:56pm on March 17, 2009, LadyChaplain said…
Well, tentatively. I'm waiting on the rest of the responses to come in... but so far, Cooley it be!

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