Posted on February 27, 2009 at 12:48pm
I don't know about the rest of you, but I have been very sedentary this winter. I've been a near complete computer chair potato. I always feel very run down and frequently depressed. I started a new night turn job in the fall that has been challenging.
I'm weak, overweight and out of shape. I think there may be a link between all of the aforementioned facts. Fortunately, despite not taking good enough care of my body, I am healthy with no illnesses or infirmities.
The thought has…
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I want to apologize for chastising you for not reading the prior posts before making any assumptions about my character. You could not have done this because they were removed by the child in question. If you take the time to read all the posts (or at least the ones that still exist as of this posing), you might have a different perspective.
I invite you to take a look at any of my posts, mostly intended on sharing information and enabling folks to go home the next morning. If you take the time to do just a little research, you will figure out that I am not a jerk.
The only reason this kid had the 'guts' to write an apology was because I told him on a post that he needed to say he was sorry for lying and that firefighters were honest. You did not get the chance to read any of this because he deleted the posts. He sent me an email asking me not to write his department and that he was sorry. I wrote him back and told him that I had not intended on contacting anyone, I just wanted him to understand that it was really important to always be truthful. Again, you did not have the chance to read this but others did. You can read their posts on his post that help fill in the blanks.
Having been involved now with the FFN for over a year now, I have made many friends and have been involved with helping firefighters all over the world with hazmat, firefighting, prevention and all other things I know a lot about after 37 years working in the field.
Because of your post O'Kitty, I have decided that this will be my last post and response dealing with any issues or individuals that are not involving firefighter's that are adults. As much as I care, I fully understand the heartbreak associated with trying to help a child and have the whole thing turn south on you...
It is a constant battle, but when I think of how I felt and how I feel now, it's a no-brainer.
My last check up sealed the deal.
Doc said I was in excellent shape in every respect.
However; for some strange reason, my "iron" was low, so I am taking a supplement.
So, welcome to the world of ChiefReason.
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