On Memorial Day we should - and most do - remember and honor those who have given their lives for this great country. We should also remember and thank those who have served our country in wartime or in peace. There are several men that I remember quite often, and not just once a year. I certainly don’t need a reminder from anyone to recall them to my memory. Let me tell you about them.

My great-great grandfather, Ira S. Thurber, was a Lieutenant in the 64th Regiment, New York State Volunteers. He was killed on July 2, 1863 in the Battle of the Wheatfield at Gettysburg.

Another great-great grandfather, Stephen Welch, volunteered for battle in the Civil War. He and his brother Delancey (my 3-great uncle) joined the 154th New York Volunteers, also known as the Hardtack Regiment. Stephen was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions at Dug Gap, NC. Delancey was not so fortunate; he was captured at the battle of Chancellorsville and died while in captivity at Libby Prison, Richmond VA. He’s buried in an unknown grave in Richmond National Cemetery.

Stephen’s grandson – my uncle Dick – served as a PFC in the Army’s Third Infantry during World War II. He was wounded in the battle of Anzio, and later his unit was attached to the Free French Forces under the command of Brig. General Charles de Gaulle. He received a Purple Heart for wounds received at Anzio, and was awarded the Croix de Guerre by Gen. de Gaulle. He was an easygoing, gentle man who never mentioned his wartime activities.

My father-in-law was a Staff Sergeant in the Army Signal Corps, serving in Europe with the 1709th Signal Service Battalion. He was stationed a few miles away from the front during the Battle of the Bulge. I was to hear only a few of his war stories and experiences before he passed on, ironically at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, in the year 2000. His son served in Viet Nam and received several commendations and citations. He died in a tragic accident before I had the chance to meet him.

My father was also a veteran of World War II. Occasionally he spoke of his experiences, and there were plenty of stories to tell about military life. It wasn’t until about a year before his death that he showed me his records, orders and other memorabilia from the war. I wish I would have had the inspiration to document his military career and put names and dates on pictures in the photo collection before the rapid spread of cancer took him away. What I did know, and what I could find out, I documented as a memorial to him: http://www.444thbg.org/stoltzpage.htm

From time to time throughout the coming year, I will remember each of these men for one reason or another, or for no reason at all. Each of them have had an influence on my life, and I will carry on for them the best I can.

This weekend I will visit several cemeteries to plant flowers at the graves of family members. My Dad started this Memorial Day weekend tradition years ago, and I will continue the tradition until I too have passed my time. For the first time, my sister will go along for she too wishes to carry on the tradition.

This weekend I will also march in parades, and I will carry my father’s Army Air Corps and squadron patches in my breast pocket. I will think about the men I’ve written about, and shed tears for them when “Taps” is sounded. Many of the people gathered with me will also be thinking of their own, with heads bowed to hide their misty eyes.

Remember? Yeah; I think we have it covered. We’re all over it, as they say, like white on rice.

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Comment by Mick Shelley on May 25, 2009 at 3:57am

Comment by Brian Dumser on May 21, 2009 at 7:53pm
Great post, Joe! (I just found it)
My Grandfather served in the Navy during World War II, retiring as a Lieutenant Commander from the UDT Teams (these later became the SEALs). My Father served in the Korean conflict as a Navy fighter pilot. I served during the Gulf War in the Army. And now my oldest Son wants to join the Army. Memorial day is a proud day of remembrance for me as well.
I visited your Father's memorial page. All I can say is nice job! I wish I could have done something like this for my Father. Stay safe!
Comment by Joe Stoltz on June 19, 2008 at 10:52pm
Tiger, thanks for the kind reply. One of these days we WILL get together and reminisce.
Comment by Tiger Schmittendorf on June 14, 2008 at 10:34pm
Joe -

I'm sorry I'm late to the game but you already know how I feel about Memorial Day and the military man in my life - my father.

It's inspiring to hear you speak of your legacy, partly because I just stood on the battlefield of Gettysburg for the first time a few weeks ago.

We share such common life experiences that it makes my heart feel good.

We should probably meet some day and reminisce as if we've been friends forever.
Comment by Shawn on May 27, 2008 at 8:33am
Very well put Joe! Thank you!

I have 2 grandfathers who each served in the Army during WWII, one of them I believe in Europe during the Battle of the Bulge. I never really knew either of them all that well as one passed before I was 5 and the other just never really spoke of it.

I have 3 great uncles who served anywhere from the end of WWII through Korea in the Navy, and my father who served during Vietnam in the Navy.

...and here am I going on 18 years Navy!

Comment by Kimberly A Bownas on May 26, 2008 at 11:12pm
Joe, you are so right. My father also served in the service as a doctor and I remember him telling me stories and how he ended up stationed here in the States. He really wanted to go over seas. I have friends that have been in the military and I respect them and the job that they do. I agree with you, we don't need to be reminded to remember those that have served. I can't see how we can ever forget what these brave men and women have done and still do for us. My prayers go out to the families and the soldiers. Be Safe and Have a good Memorial Day.
Comment by Mike Simmons on May 26, 2008 at 12:03pm
Joe; Just got in from Memorial Day Ceremonies here. My kids & I (wife had to work) spent the A.M. placing flags & flowers on vets graves. I'm still choked up (always happens). You & I are on the same page on this. Damn well said! Check my blog "Where Do We Find Such Men".
Comment by Wes Anders on May 26, 2008 at 9:59am
I have an extensive military back ground in my family a cousin serving in both Iraq wars and was awarded the purple heart during the battle taking out Noureaga in Panama, my father served in Vietnam in the Air Force and my grandfather served in the Army Air Corps in WW II. When I think of the price they could have paid and that some of there fellow soldiers paid for our freedom its overwhelming. I understand your thoughts and feelings about this day but if we have to go door to door to remind the rest of the country whom it wasnt so close to there heart I believe we should. Its awful but all of you as well as I know that people are forgetting 911 or at least not taking the terorist themselves as a threat like they did on that day. Please pray for our soldiers to come home safe, but also pray that they can complete there mission and keep us safe from another attack.
Comment by Engineco913 on May 25, 2008 at 9:25pm
The 3 flags I hang daily before I get the third degree are Old Glory, a USMC flag and a Firefighters flag.
Comment by Engineco913 on May 25, 2008 at 9:24pm
Joe, thats quite the extensive family history, and one I would be proud to have. (as you are) I know I don't need a seedy email reminding me to know and appreciate the true meaning of the holiday to truely show my support. Perhaps the person who sent the email (I know who it is because I got the same bs email) should take a few moments EACH DAY to remember those who are CURRENTLY SERVING, and those who HAVE SERVED, and even those who HAVE DIED so that person can live free and feel comfy in the land of the free.
Without the bravery of our troops and public servants who knows where we would be. I know I proudly hang my flags daily, (weather permitting) and not just on the holidays where I should feel patriotic. A true Patriot honors the memory every day.

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