Well tonight I left my pager/radio at home because it was going to be a night with the wife ( yea right ) so just make it into town when i see smoke to my left and being me i had to go check it out and to my surprise it was a house fire.... so i called the chief to let him know but we where already paged out so i gave him the size up (don't have my mobile in my new suv) so anyway we get the trucks all down this lil driveway when the tanker gets stuck... ok so i hook some chains to it and 32 and they pull it out no problem and when i reached under to unhook the chain i hit my head on the frame of the tanker yay.. shook off the headache and went back to work filling air bottles spotting trucks. so its time for me to leave yay its only 20 degrees outside and i messed up or so i thought when i parked in the field in front of the house but my meep meep pulled its self out in 4 low. well when we get back to the station everyone is looking at me weird so the whitney a full time nurse checks my eyes and kinda laughs and says i need a catscan:( so i get to go to the hospital yay so when i get there to my surprise hardly anyone was there and so i was in and out in about to hours. But the chief likes to keep everyone safe and healthy think goodness!

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Comment by Brian Dumser on December 22, 2008 at 4:48pm
Glad you're OK Bro. Have a safe & merry Christmas!

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