• 45, Male
  • Nablus
  • Palestinian Territory, Occupied
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SHAMS's Friends

  • LeAnn McCuistion
  • Mike O'Neill
  • Klemen SMID
  • Kristle McLeod
  • steven nicoll
  • Forestville Volunteer Fire Dept
  • Alicia Anne
  • anka kremer
  • Stormey Tucker
  • Jessica J Joiner
  • Alyssa Thornton
  • Murphy
  • Tiffany Whisnant
  • Lindsay Stout

Real Men Do NOT Run from Fire, They Run IN. We Fight what you FEAR.

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Assistant or Deputy Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Nablus Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
About Me:
My name is Shams , it means in Arabic ( SUN) , I don't know what I say , but I'm ready to answer any questions.

My msn ID & my e-mail :
Day Job:
Head of Administrative Unit & Firefighter
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
At the begining it was my hobby . Then I felt what is the meaning to help people.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It's my life & to help people

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Comment Wall (31 comments)

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At 1:15am on December 13, 2010, Stormey Tucker said…
Hello Shams! Just wanted to say hello and I hope things are going good for you. Take care and stay safe.
At 9:49am on September 2, 2010, adel said…
Hi there; I would like to Welcome you to FFN & hope U enjoy this site and gather as many friends as I have during your stay. I’m adel, a Paramedic from Victoria - Australia; if you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends. If I have not added you as a friend, it’s because I have reached my Max and I am waiting for members to reply to me.
If you feel like sending me one of your Service patch … don’t be shy…. I am looking for Police, Medical, Ambulance, S&R; Dispatcher & Fire Service patches. If U are interested, or U know of someone in that collects please contact me. My address is:- sidi salm 1240 el bonni annaba algeria
At 9:39am on September 2, 2010, adel said…
Hi there; I would like to Welcome you to FFN & hope U enjoy this site and gather as many friends as I have during your stay. I’m adel, a Paramedic from Victoria - Australia; if you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends. If I have not added you as a friend, it’s because I have reached my Max and I am waiting for members to reply to me.
If you feel like sending me one of your Service patch … don’t be shy…. I am looking for Police, Medical, Ambulance, S&R; Dispatcher & Fire Service patches. If U are interested, or U know of someone in that collects please contact me. My address is:- sidi salm 1240 el bonni annaba algeria
At 12:54pm on January 19, 2010, Clyde R Chapman said…
Greetings friend.
Today I opened your letter with your firefighter arm patch.
Thank you for the good and honest trade.
If you have any metal hat badges to swap ,I will be happy to trade wirh you
At 7:44pm on December 31, 2009, Clyde R Chapman said…
Greetings and Happy New Year from Rangeley Maine U.S.A.
I sent you my fire patch about 3 weeks ago. Hope you got it.

Look foward to having one of yours in return.
At 5:07pm on November 30, 2009, Monica Carrera said…
Dear Shams, I am sorry for the delay, I am very curious of your city, country and situation in general for the Fire Departments in Palestine, please educate me, did you check our foundation,
Let's keep in touch, write me to my personal email
GOD bless you and keep you safe my friend.
At 12:40pm on August 23, 2009, Julie Williams said…
Thanks.Still trying to figure this whole thing out.
At 1:17pm on August 4, 2009, Natalya Cavazos said…
Thank you. You stay safe as well.
At 9:56am on July 17, 2009, Leo Cartwright said…
My dear friend

Just arrived home from Sydney NSW. (New South Wales - Australia) last week the Australasian Road Rescue Organisation (ARRO) was held with 14 teams in all.

This years the Learning Symposium consisted of 3 work stations, using the 3 pits and no classroom lectures as were previous years.
Station 1 featuring (part 1) Industrial & Domestic Rescue (part 2) Hydraulic Fault Finding.
Station 2 featured Advances in Hybrid Vehicle Technology.
Station 3 was on Motor Vehicle Simulator consisting of Medical issues at the scene before removal of the Time Critical Patient, conducted by Dr Ken Harrison (Trauma Retrieval Team). All three stations seam to be a hit with the teams and well applauded.

The Challenge started in the categories of Entrapped Rescue, Controlled Rescue and Immediate Rescue, then the Work Shop relating to patient handling, using all kind of situations and devices to safely remove the entrapped either by the their injuries or the vehicle. Each of 3 vehicles were place on its wheels, side and roof. This allowed teams to use practical methods to remove the injured.

Well my maximum number of characters are up, until next time stay SAFE

Cheers of now, Leo
At 1:31am on July 6, 2009, Natasha said…
Im glad i found the site, Im hoping to become a volunteer firefighter soon

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