Well, my friend Jackie who enters all the run information into our computer totaled up the calls for 2008 26 or 28 structure fires, 199 ems calls 36 mva's 4 mva with extrication 2 down power lines 2 arcing power sources, 37 brush fires, 18 controlled burns 5 false alarms, and i cant remember what the other 57 were. My volunteer department for 09 we have 6 ems at the moment. this time last year we had 12 6 brush fires and 6 ems. One of the department's im trying to get on usually get around 400 calls yearly on average we get 390-400 calls and we are all volunteer with about 6000 people living in our district. The paid department has around 20,000 people and 30 paid guys. So personally i think we kick ass to have only lost 2 houses last year. and they were about 100 years old and a bit far from any one of our stations

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Comment by FireMouth1990 on January 10, 2009 at 1:12am
We also have run 18 calls for this year as of 01/10/2009.
Comment by FireMouth1990 on January 10, 2009 at 12:33am
Great job man. I don't have the specifics on our call runs for 2008 but we have quite a few more than that (I'm not bragging). That's really good for what you have described your area as and the population. Our county is growing rapidly so our EMS calls are through the roof with around 3,500 or more for our station and roughly 700 fire related calls. Once again man keep it up and keep getting those trucks out!
Comment by Kevin Burks on January 9, 2009 at 11:02pm
great job jonathan. I think we finished they yr with 288 calls . dont have the specifics on all of them . We already have 11 calls for the year and one of those was a structure that we managed to save with only 6 members on scene. it did gut the kitchen but it is unusual for us to have a structure this early in the year. anyway be safe out there and remember that "there is no such thing as a routine fire" . and i agree with Caleb, grow up before you get someone hurt .
Comment by Fire Chick on January 9, 2009 at 4:56pm
damn that is alot we didnt even have 200 we usually dont.. it is really great being a vol. company that u guys have the manpower to get all them guys and girls out on the calls.....keep up the good work...stay safe

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