cars and fuel tankers, ems, and structure fire

Well I got to notice Tuesday afternoon just what happends when a loaded fuel tanker makes one hell of a mistake. It started off around 1530 When a fuel tanker carring 8600 gallons of fuel. Tried to make a right turn off the highway and ended up hitting another 18wheeler hauling welding gas cylinders like you know oxygen, acetyone in the upright 5 foot cylinders and a few oxygen tanks in 500 pound tanks. But thank god he didn't hit the trailer and only knock the tractor for a loop when the fuel truck hit the gas truck it ripped an egnormus whole in the back of the fuel truck and then just to make stuff worse it roled to the driver side right on a small car..... full of kids and a mom. The driver of the fuel truck was able to climb out on his own. I think he did the right thing he helped the children out of the vehicle, but the mom was trapped we were first fire department on scene and Jonesboro a paid department was toned out at the same time we were. There was no way to stop the leak on the truck as it had a huge gash to the rear tank and leaked completly over the highway. Jonesboro dumped a crap load of AFFF foam on the fuel and both us and jonesboro started extrication on the vehicle. I was running pump ops supplying jonesboro's pumper with water our trucks hold at minimum 1000 gallons jonesboro's trucks hold 750 gallons the closest hydrant was over 1/2 mile away. We were at this call for about 8 hours with epa, oem, and etc. nearing the end of this call we were toned for a ems call. I was in the rescue with my partner Lance. The 55 year old woman was having some serious problems o2 stat was low so i got her on a non rebreather and started her off on 15 ltrs a min a few moments later she fully coded by this time i wasnt the only one there i had a captain, his wife, and Lance with me I was in the process of ripping open the aed pads and cranked the o2 up to around 22 ltrs and a second later shes breathing again. Just a few moments later the ambulance arrived got her on a spine board due to the fact we could not get the strecher inside. Soon after we checked in service from the med call. we had to go back to the accident and wait with the trucks just incase something went to shit. another 30 mins rolled on by and we were starting to clear the scene we got back to the station and Mat my brother in law asks if were still going to get some costumes for our day in the park because he wanted to dress like mik-dun-dee; and by now is talking in an austrailan accent and starts making fun of the chief and one of the captains both named jeff and bald. He carries on for a good 20 mins as the whole department is laughing hard. So the captain gets him and we strap him down to a back board and put him in front of the hydrant to cool him off a little our station hydrant doesn't push out enough water to hurt but it is pretty funny......; but this time we were toned out for a house fire possibly fully envolved and unsure of vic's so by this time the hydrant is off mat is getting up and all the trucks are moving I rode passenger in E-32 running the "Q" as the trucks siren was being worked on. So we had that truck screaming >:) we were the first truck out of the station, but due to the road being closed at the intersection we had to take the long way around. We made it to the highway and turned got in the slow lane..... E-32 is a 1980 F-8000 and E-31 is an 06 F-750 so needless to say its geared a little better. Bono is surrounded by hills so going up hill the old truck is a trooper but doesnt have the power to go fast and pull a 1000 gallons of water and 4 fire fighters. so we were the third engine on scene E-41 from our West side station was the first engine on scene with one fire fighter. We arrived at a 2-story home with no vehicles in the drive way however they were screaming children are inside as the interior crew was getting ready and standing behind me i busted out the front door due to the fact it was locked >:) i love breaking stuff.... anyway our guys did a hell of a job considering it was a 10 minute drive at midnight. I was working exterior laddering the home turning gas off etc. I didn't realize this but the OEM guys from the accident had followed us and were doing traffic control what a blessing the home was in between some hills and it was an accident waiting to happen. We had the fire under control in about 15 mins it was contained to two bedrooms up stairs. Myself and my partner Lance had the task of secondary search fearing we would find something. I took the IR Camera ( i love that thing) never saw any bodies thank god.. but did find a few hot spots and we extinguished them. All and all a long day I know only three calls doesn't sound much to most of you all but when the same 15 people have been working 2 calls and 4 working 3 its kind of tiresome but all and all no one died when they probably should have so it was a damn good day :D well everyone stay safe out there

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Comment by Chad Furr on May 14, 2009 at 10:04pm
Lions and Tigers and Bears OH MY I dont think our dept has ever seen that much action in 1 day in its 100 year history. THANK GOD
Comment by Station10Capt106 on May 14, 2009 at 1:49pm
sounds exciting . . . just one word of advice . . . use paragraphs - it'll make it much easier for everyone to read. Got about 1/4 of the way through it and decided to just skip to the end.

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