Mike France

Firefighters / Emergency Responders Supporting Our troops


Firefighters / Emergency Responders Supporting Our troops

Showing our support to ours Troops whereever they are.

Location: Everywhere
Members: 162
Latest Activity: Jan 18, 2016

Please keep in your Minds that the '' Darkhorse'' 3rd. Batt. of the 5th Marines , have lost 9 Marines in the last 4 days , while serving their Country in Afghanistan

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

Prayers Please!

Started by Rachel. Last reply by harvey Mar 13, 2011. 1 Reply

My 4-H club is supporting two soldiers who are overseas right now. They have been over there since August. One is in Iraq and the other is in Afganistan. There names are Brad and Josh. Also, one of…Continue

Tags: prayers

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Comment by Duncan James Dube on June 26, 2010 at 5:56am
Thanks for inviting me to be a part of such a honoured group. As a proud Canadian and son of a military family, I stand behind our troops and our brothers to the south....be safe and come home soon!
Comment by ED Squires on June 26, 2010 at 5:54am
I would like to thank all those that have served past and persent and there familys. Thank you for your devotion and sarcrifices that you have made. God bless you all and hope you come home soon!
Comment by Tracie on June 25, 2010 at 11:16pm
I serve in the Vermont State Guard Air Force and stand behind all those men and women and it's nice to know so many others do,,,I say THANK YOU to them all every chance cause they are there for me as well as all of you!!!!,,,,,,,,COME HOME SOON TROOPS!!!
Comment by Jose Gomez on June 25, 2010 at 8:15pm
Thank you for the consideration! Glad to be part of the Group, even I am not in the USA, I really support them!
Comment by Firewriter on June 25, 2010 at 1:40pm
Thanks Chief ... a great way to show those serving in the armed forces that we are thinking about them and support them whole-heartedly!

I was thrilled to see that Wounded Warriors is starting to catch on - a project near and dear to my heart!! It is vital to support the men and women out out in the field, but also those who have come home!

Just as those in emergency services fight a different battle on the homefront, these warriors have fought battles in lands far away from their families and loved ones - they have physical and emotional scars which need care. Let's all make sure they get that care and our thanks ... whether a handshake, a nod of the head, a hug - don't let our veterans go without being told how grateful we are for what they do and have done for us!

Thank you to all who serve - past, present, and future!

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