
Hazmat WMD Responders

This group provides a forum for Hazardous Materials / WMD first responders, technicians, specialists. Topics including standardized hazmat vehicle inventories, ICS Hazmat Team typing, SOG's, monitor choices and use, and Tech Ref links for starters...

Members: 229
Latest Activity: Dec 19, 2016

How to Handle a WMD / Hazmat Incident... "SCARIE PMS" by Michael Schlags

A more detailed accounting for how to deal with a Hazmat / WMD incident will be included on this site but for now, sans a lot of explanation, the below acronym SCARIE-PMS will pretty much get you through any incident. I've used it as a company commander for wildland incidents, MCI's, structure fires, hazmat incidents, etc.

If it's not simple, you won't remember it. So thinking about hazmat incidents for example, one could say that a hazmat incident is really scarie, specially at night... and always be safe... However you have to remember the acronym, trust me, it works. Nothing is worse that pulling up on scene and not having an immediate game plan.

S C A R I E - P M S

S - Size Up (1st on scene company officer relays all of this to the Battalion Chief)
C - Command (done right away, starts the incident command structure for escalating incidents)
A - Assistance (get help coming asap, you can always send them back
R - Rescue (worth the risk? candle to moth scenario? loser?)
I - Isolation (hot, warm and cold zones for mci, hazmat or WMD incidents)
E - Evacuation (or shelter in place)

P- Person Responsible (find someone who knows the building, the area, the chemicals, etc.)
M - Material Identification (what do you have? can it mix with water? what can go wrong?)
S - Stage incoming equipment and always be safe!

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

Fire Department Toxmedic Drug Box Contents Top

Started by Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd. Last reply by Ben Waller Jun 5, 2011. 6 Replies

Team Type

Started by Jason Brooks. Last reply by Ben Waller Jun 5, 2011. 3 Replies

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Comment by Paulo Jesus on August 22, 2008 at 3:49pm
It will be an excellent group. Unfortunally, in Portugal, we don't pay many attention to this area, but we're starting now. I hope I can learn a lot with you, Michael, and with everyone who joins this group. I've benn away, because I'm very busy preparing my FD operational area for the Red Bull Air Race in Oporto (Portugal).
Comment by charles on August 21, 2008 at 9:44pm
hey michael i did not pass the test on this so mabe you help me on this so i can try it agian
Comment by Bob Allard on August 21, 2008 at 8:18pm
no good at this area, sI suhope all can help when I have questions, I am A Techician, but I had to be at the job, never used it and was glad, but I did have to wear the different level suits during training.

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