
Hazmat WMD Responders

This group provides a forum for Hazardous Materials / WMD first responders, technicians, specialists. Topics including standardized hazmat vehicle inventories, ICS Hazmat Team typing, SOG's, monitor choices and use, and Tech Ref links for starters...

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How to Handle a WMD / Hazmat Incident... "SCARIE PMS" by Michael Schlags

A more detailed accounting for how to deal with a Hazmat / WMD incident will be included on this site but for now, sans a lot of explanation, the below acronym SCARIE-PMS will pretty much get you through any incident. I've used it as a company commander for wildland incidents, MCI's, structure fires, hazmat incidents, etc.

If it's not simple, you won't remember it. So thinking about hazmat incidents for example, one could say that a hazmat incident is really scarie, specially at night... and always be safe... However you have to remember the acronym, trust me, it works. Nothing is worse that pulling up on scene and not having an immediate game plan.

S C A R I E - P M S

S - Size Up (1st on scene company officer relays all of this to the Battalion Chief)
C - Command (done right away, starts the incident command structure for escalating incidents)
A - Assistance (get help coming asap, you can always send them back
R - Rescue (worth the risk? candle to moth scenario? loser?)
I - Isolation (hot, warm and cold zones for mci, hazmat or WMD incidents)
E - Evacuation (or shelter in place)

P- Person Responsible (find someone who knows the building, the area, the chemicals, etc.)
M - Material Identification (what do you have? can it mix with water? what can go wrong?)
S - Stage incoming equipment and always be safe!

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Fire Department Toxmedic Drug Box Contents Top

Started by Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd. Last reply by Ben Waller Jun 5, 2011. 6 Replies

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Started by Jason Brooks. Last reply by Ben Waller Jun 5, 2011. 3 Replies

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Comment by Todd Overcash on December 1, 2010 at 11:36am
Has anyone seen or used the WISER program in your department? A friend of mine sent this to me and the best part is that it is free. It is internet based or downloaded on your computer. This program will not only provide a source of information much like the ERG book and other reference sources but also will allow you to narrow down unknowns by filtering user input of variables. Color, product type, specific gravity, vapor density and so forth. If you have a patient with signs and symptoms of chemical exposure, input these into the program and it will narrow down what the product is. Another neat feature of the program is that you can access maps by entering the incident address and it will pull up the location and insert the initial isolation area and protective action zones. We had an incident on the interstate one day which wasn't much to it but it allowed me time to utilize the program to do a little planning had the incident been more severe. It also has a smart phone application so you can access it from the phone. Just do a browser search for WISER.
Comment by Harry Baker on July 30, 2010 at 10:32pm
Good evening, Wondering if there are any takes on hazmat robots, I am pretty sure Iam down to the tallon or the i robot. Any thought on either of them.
Comment by Rick Powell on July 27, 2010 at 1:21pm
I'm looking for ideas on good HM Tech practical exercise props - ideas, drawings, websites, pictures, etc....
Thanks and stay safe out there!
Comment by Norm Spence on April 23, 2010 at 1:37am
check out this web site for some good ideas:
Comment by Danny on February 24, 2010 at 3:42pm
Hello from Washington State..Just finished up the Hazmat IC course..So hopefully can stay up on hazmat since don't have that many calls for hazmat and then learn some more..Everyone stay safe out there..
Comment by Travis Bowers on August 9, 2009 at 7:04pm
ENGINE/ PUMPER DRIVER group. I hope everyone will join it, even if you do not drive or operate one, thanks!!!
Comment by Daniel T. on July 20, 2009 at 9:18am
Thanks, I ll do it.
Comment by Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd on July 20, 2009 at 9:08am
Daniel, I have heard good things about the Ahura Detector. Make contact with the manufacturer and request contact information for departments that have purchased the device. This will give you the input you need to make the right decision.

What is the Uhura First Responder for those unfamiliar with this device?

FirstDefender is an all-optical Raman system designed for use by first responders, homeland security, military, law enforcement and forensic chemistry personnel. Key features and benefits:

* Quickly identifies unknown solid and liquid chemicals from a vast sample library including: explosives, toxic industrial chemicals (TICs), toxic industrial materials (TIMs), chemical warfare agents (CWAs) white powders, narcotics and more.

* Mixture analysis software identifies mixture components in seconds—including solid/liquid combinations and aqueous solutions

* Handheld—weighs less than 4 lbs for easy transport

* Certified to meet MIL STD-810F requirements for ruggedness

* Designed for use in the hotzone with tough form factor, quick decontamination and easy operation in full Level A gear

* Non-contact sampling requires no calibration and no consumables

* Point-and-shoot operation through sealed translucent containers avoids contamination and exposure and maintains evidence

* Fully operable over a wide temperature range (-20 °C to +40 °C)

* Dual sample mode (point-and-shoot or vial mode) enables flexible sampling

* Integrated NIOSH and CAMEO database provides on-the-spot reference
24/7 technical and reachback support provided for all units
Comment by Daniel T. on July 20, 2009 at 8:52am
Has somebody experience with the First Defender devise (Ahura).
Comment by Al (olddogg) Westbrook on April 13, 2009 at 11:59am
I am current up to the Operations level,we have the only HAz-Mat team for our county. I help get our Technicians geared up in the cold Zone as well as do Health and Safety checks in the Rehab area . I look forward to reading anything new . Stay Safe everyone .

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