
911 Dispatchers

a group for all 911/police dispacthers

Members: 193
Latest Activity: Feb 25, 2019

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion


Started by Todd Seaney May 18, 2010. 0 Replies

Funny\Weird Calls

Started by Patrick Austin. Last reply by Bill Deutsch Sep 27, 2009. 12 Replies

a little funny...

Started by Kelly. Last reply by amanda Sep 16, 2008. 2 Replies

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Comment by Donna on August 16, 2008 at 7:53am
Hi All,
I am new to Fire Nation, just wanted to say Hi to all, I am in my 24th year as a Dispatcher, I have been a EMT for 25 years, I run paid and Volunteer, and I have been a firefighter for 2 years. I am pretty proud of myself that I went through Firefighter 1 school at the age of 43.
Comment by David Ratcliffe on August 14, 2008 at 7:34pm
Not a dispatcher but Know how important they are to Us firefighter
Comment by William White on August 1, 2008 at 3:22pm
Hello All,

I am new to this site so allow me to Introduce myself, My name is William (Bill) White and I have been a Dispatcher for 9 Years at my local PD, 12 Years in the fire service as a Reserve Captain, 6 Years as a Kansas Certified EMT and 7 years as a Hazardous Materials Technition. I am married for 17 years to a wonderful woman who trys to keep me inline? Atleast she trys anyway!!! I wanted to say Hello to everyone.
Comment by Rhonda Guidry on July 29, 2008 at 9:08pm
Hi Everyone!! My name is Rhonda and I'm new to Firefighter Nation and to the 911 Dispatchers group! I've been dispatching for over 4 years and I'm married to a wonderful man- who just so happens to also be a firefighter =) I can't wait to 'meet' everyone and get to know ya'll !
Comment by SAMANTHA TOMPKINS on July 22, 2008 at 9:42am
Comment by Steve on July 13, 2008 at 10:53am
It is helpful, when you go on the air, to use the phrase, "bear with me on this one." This tells the responders, that this is a silly call, you know it is a silly call, but you need to send anyway. This way, they know you arent being stupid and that you are trying to do the job right. In this case, you arent protecting the caller from a Bad Burger, you are instead protecting the store personnel from a lady with psych issues. This call turns into a removal; the woman refuses to budge until she gets her burger her way.

God loves crazy people; thats why She made so many of us!
Comment by Mike Weller on July 6, 2008 at 2:00pm
Hello All,

Just became the newest of the 911 dispatchers bunch. Just started the job a few weeks ago, coming from working as a charge nurse at a nursing home.

You guys have some of the toughest jobs out there. Talk about multi-tasking, whew! Hit 5 pagers for mutual aid while the radio is screaming for help getting more apparatus. A young man threatening suicing. What a job.

Hope to hear from you all. Take care, and remember, we do this to serve our fellow man (or woman).

Mike Weller
Washington County, NY 911
Comment by J on April 19, 2008 at 8:07pm
“Protecting The Three”

I am the Police Officer follow me, Preserving the peace is where I’ll be, I am the torch that lights the way, In darkness my courage will never sway, Leading the others, that is me, I am the Police Officer, guiding the three.

I am the Firefighter follow me, Into the flames is where I’ll be, I am the one who battles the beast, To protect that on which it would feast, Lending strength to the others, that is me, I am the Firefighter, supporting the three.

I am the Medic follow me, Easing the pain is where I’ll be, I am the one who helps them survive, Lifting the fallen to keep them alive, Treating the others, that is me, I am the Medic, healing the three.

I am the Dispatcher don’t follow me, Agony and chaos is where I’ll be, Working in obscurity, this forgotten place, Not death but insanity is the danger I face, Answering the call, that is me, I am the Dispatcher, protecting the three.
Comment by J on April 19, 2008 at 7:44pm
I've heard the Burger King one:) First time was hilarious

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