
911 Dispatchers

a group for all 911/police dispacthers

Members: 193
Latest Activity: Feb 25, 2019

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion


Started by Todd Seaney May 18, 2010. 0 Replies

Funny\Weird Calls

Started by Patrick Austin. Last reply by Bill Deutsch Sep 27, 2009. 12 Replies

a little funny...

Started by Kelly. Last reply by amanda Sep 16, 2008. 2 Replies

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Comment by Jenna on March 6, 2009 at 8:25am
I've been a 911 dispatcher for about 2 years and its kind of hard to relate to anyone else except other dispatchers :-p
Comment by thomas modena on February 19, 2009 at 5:13am
ive got to agree with kent s ...its nice to know theres a place for us to go service 14yrs and 911 dispatcher 9yrs
Comment by Keggster on February 19, 2009 at 1:56am
Glad to know there's a place we can go where they know your not nuts.
Comment by Steve on October 30, 2008 at 11:22am
Good day!

I am the main man for IPN, the Incident Page Network, and I invite you to join IPN and be part of the largest, most comprehensive emergency notification service on the planet. IPN sends real-time alerts of ongoing incidents in your area, to your cell phone, PDA, laptop or any text-able device. Police, Fire, EMS, Weather, Traffic.... important news and information you need to make important decisions and be in-the-know as incidents occur, around the country and around the world.

Calls are entered under strict guidelines. You do not receive multiple updates with no useful information. You do not receive joke pages, spam pages, goof pages, or pages that do not inform. Over 21 federal agencies use our service and subscribe not only for the information we provide, but to watch over us and make sure we do it right. For example: if a call comes in for a building fire and the first company goes on-scene with smoke showing, you do NOT get paged. It could be a barbecue, or outside brush, or a furnace problem. But if companies are laying in and going to work and the boss confirms he has a job, that is good enough and we page it. Then you get updates with size-up, multiple alarms, special calls, mutual aid... the important critical information you need to do your job more effectively.

The service is completely customizable. You go online and using pull-down menus, specify what types of calls you want or don't want, from particular areas you want or don't want, even alarm levels! You can alter, change or delete as you wish, when you wish, without charge. IPN is also completely transportable: lets say you go on vacation and want to take the service with you. Simply go online and specify where in the country you are visiting, then use the pull-down menus to set what type of alerts you want. Then when you are back home, simply go online again to reset the service back to your home area. Neat!

We are not a cell phone company. We don't hold you to any contract and we don't demand silly payments every time you want to change something. We have 24/7 tech support, on line and over the phone. Our toll-free hotline is always manned with specially-trained dispatchers ready to page out calls instantly. With over 3000 dispatchers and over 100,000 public safety professionals subscribed to our system, nobody does it better than IPN.

This service normally sells for $3,814.263.17 per month. [Got your attention now, didn't I?] But because the boss is holding my cocker spaniel hostage and demanding results or else, we have a special offer for you.

Become a dispatcher for IPN. You will provide important coverage in your area by feeding ongoing incidents into the system. You receive the service for free. You also qualify for our premium points system, which rewards you each time you send in a call. Points accumulate and can be traded in for gift certificates, pre-paid Visa cards, even a new scanner!

Learn more and apply by using this link:
In the section "how did you hear about IPN", use my name STEVE. We will start you off with 100 points just for signing up!

Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing back from you!
Comment by Scott S on October 16, 2008 at 10:38pm
Just thought I'd say hi. I'm currently a 911 dispatcher in Polk county NC. I was a dispatcher in Orange county NY for 2+ years. In the volunteer fire service for 11 years. I served as an officer with a truck company Captain for 3 years. Love the fire service and miss it. I enjoy the 911 dispatching almost as much. I just wish most Governments and fire service professionals would take 911 dispatchers more seriously and valuable! This is there life line and as is taught in APCO we are the real first responders to any emergency!!!
Comment by Jeff Noonan on September 15, 2008 at 3:05am
Hey all, I am jeff, originally from Poughkeepsie NY, no relocated to the hick town of Windsor, MO. Talk about SHELL SHOCK!!. i have been a 911 Dispatcher 10 years now. i am also an APCO 911 Dispatcher and Fire Dispatch instructor as well as NAEMD Certified. I love dispatching. it is probably the most awesome job in the world. Just wanted to say hi to everyone, Look forward to laughing, crying and sharing with you all.
Comment by FireCat on August 31, 2008 at 3:53pm
I am a volunteer firefighter very interested in becoming a 911 dispatcher.
Comment by angel on August 31, 2008 at 3:16pm
wanting to be a dispatcher
Comment by kassandra on August 19, 2008 at 10:05pm
Hi everyone I'm new to this site and new to being a dispatcher. My husband and dad are volunteer firefighters. I also have 2 wonderful kids.
Comment by Justin on August 16, 2008 at 9:09pm
Hello everyone. Been a part of Firefighter Nation since January. Just joined the dispatch group. I am the Assistant Coordinator for the 911 center in my county. I have been there about a year and a half. I have been a volunteer firefighter for ten years.

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