
911 Dispatchers

a group for all 911/police dispacthers

Members: 193
Latest Activity: Feb 25, 2019

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion


Started by Todd Seaney May 18, 2010. 0 Replies

Funny\Weird Calls

Started by Patrick Austin. Last reply by Bill Deutsch Sep 27, 2009. 12 Replies

a little funny...

Started by Kelly. Last reply by amanda Sep 16, 2008. 2 Replies

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Comment by Karl Klotz on December 5, 2013 at 6:03pm

Hey everyone, im new to the group.  Currently work full time as a fire dispatch supervisor in northern Illinois , and part time firefighter/Engineer.  I have an interest in patch trading to those also interested (fire patches and fire communications center patches).

Comment by Randy Wagoner on October 20, 2010 at 5:02am
Hello -- New member here. 28 years dispatching PD, FD, EMS for a regional center covering 23 town and 59 agencies over 900 sq miles in Vermont & New Hampshire. Worked nights for 26 years and now finally on days. Tactical Dispatcher for my local Vol. FD -- Glad to find this place
Comment by Justin Buck on December 29, 2009 at 8:20am
Hi all im a dispatcher for wildland firefighters, air tankers, detection planes for the Arkansas Forestry Commission at Central Dispatch i cover the whole state at night when i work.
Comment by ff316emt on July 22, 2009 at 6:25am
Anyone know where I can go to look up grants for dispatchers? Any help would be appriciated
Comment by Donna on April 12, 2009 at 9:12am
Our Dispatchers
Our dispatchers are our lifeline.
Without them we would be lost
If we did not have them
What would be the cost?
We would have no information
On the criminals we pursue.
And when we got into trouble,
Without them what would we do?
They're our link to our nearest backup,
they get info on cars we have stopped.
Without them on the radio,
We wouldn't be much of a cop.
They call out the fire trucks and medics,
And they deal with the walk ins and freaks.
And every other situation,
That through our front door peaks.
So the next time you push the button,
And into the mike you speak.
Just remember to appreciate the voice
On the other end, that's there from week to week.
Our Dispatchers are our lifeline,
I know this to be true.
Cause I sure wouldn't want to be out there,
Without one to protect us, the way that they do!
Author Unknown
Comment by Donna on April 12, 2009 at 9:11am
Just a Voice
By Tracy Eldridge

You don’t know who I am; to you I am just a voice.
It was me who took your frantic call, when you had no other choice.
I spend many hours waiting, to help when you’re in need.
“Send help to me, please get them here is often what you plead.
To do my job is complex, but only a few tools are a must
Put your faith in me, I am the one that you can trust.
My ears are a necessity; my mouth a mighty sword
I must use my ears to listen, and then choreograph every word.
I am the protector of this land; I take pride in what I do
I am here to listen and do what is best for you.
The day you place a call to me, might be the worst day you ever had
At least today you know, I too was feeling sad.
I take your problems home with me, I know that’s not so good,
But as you felt your tragedy it was by your side I stood.
I walked with you to the door, to let them into help,
I guided you to safety, when all alone you felt.
It is not often we hear praise or even simple thanks,
But the cookies and cards are plenty through police and fire ranks.
The day you placed your call, and I picked up the phone
I hope I made you feel safe and showed you you’re not alone.
Remember who I am, I am not just a voice
I am the 911 Dispatcher you called when you had no other choice.
Comment by Donna on April 12, 2009 at 9:10am

I am the Officer follow me
Preserving the peace is where I’ll be
I am the torch that lights the way
In darkness my courage will never sway
Leading the others, that is me
I am the Officer, guiding the three

I am the Fire Fighter follow me
Into the flames is where I’ll be
I am he who battles the beast
To protect that on which it would feast
Lending strength to the others, that is me
I am the Fire Fighter, supporting the three

I am the Medic follow me
Easing the pain is where I’ll be
I am the one who helps them survive
Lifting the fallen to keep them alive
Treating the others, that is me
I am the Medic, healing the three

I am the Dispatcher don’t follow me
Agony and Chaos is where I’ll be
Working in obscurity, this forgotten place
Not death but insanity is the danger I face.
Answering the Call, that is me
I am the Dispatcher, Protecting the three
Comment by Donna on April 12, 2009 at 9:08am
To All my fellow 911 dispatchers Happy Easter and Happy National 911 Telecommunicators Week.
Comment by thomas modena on March 16, 2009 at 10:48pm
YIPPEE ..... we found our missing 5yr old little girl
Comment by Ed Boyd on March 16, 2009 at 11:44am
Hello everyone, I've been a 911 dispatcher for thirteen years in a rural county in Illinois. Just joined the site recently. I enjoyed reading about the funny calls. Thought I'd add my most pathetic call. Male subject batters his own mother on Mother's Day and gets arrested. A little later here's mom at the Sheriff's office to see if she can bond him out.

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