Mike France

"The Training Cadre"


"The Training Cadre"

Out of the Box Firefighting Training and Put our minds in the mode of training from some of Senior Members of FFN

Members: 157
Latest Activity: Dec 1, 2015

Firefighter Training

For the Training cadre to give us the insight to think out of the box and have Training ideas to teach us and our fellow Firefighters the Right, Safe Way to do our Job everyday. Capt.Bz { Ret.}Ben Waller/ FETC / Jason Hovelemann /Dave LeBlanc/ And Many More who can Challenge us.

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

What about nozzle training?

Started by Pierre-Louis Lamballais. Last reply by Leland Lavender Aug 20, 2015. 15 Replies

Even if the group seems to be "asleep", I hope some of you, as US FF, would be able to answer. For me, the main job of a FF is to attack the fire. If someone call the fireservice, this is because of…Continue

ICS for structural fire

Started by Pierre-Louis Lamballais. Last reply by Pierre-Louis Lamballais Aug 27, 2011. 11 Replies

Hi,ICS seems to be one of the major organisation system for incident in the USA. Are you using it? And when you are in front of a structural fire (eg a house with a running fire), as "first truck on…Continue


Started by Rhonda Cornwell. Last reply by Bill Carlisle Jun 15, 2011. 7 Replies

Hello, not sure if this is where this goes but.... I was curious about how many departments out there have a dedicated rehab team. Our department has a rehab team of 16, we have two units..a air…Continue

Flashover-CFBT course documentation

Started by Pierre-Louis Lamballais Jun 10, 2011. 0 Replies

Hi,We've just released the new version of a document, with excerpts of many documents from our flashover instructor course. When we instruct flashover-CFBT instructor, we give them a full pedagogical…Continue

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Comment by Jesse Quinalty on August 3, 2011 at 1:19am
Hello, I am new to this group. I am a Master Instructor with the CA. State Fire Marshal and a Captain with the Upland Fire Department. I am also a member of the San Bernardino County Training Officers Association and manage the Training Resource And Information Network (T.R.A.I.N.) in which TO's store training material for sharing on an external drive. I look forward to assisting this group in the future.

Red Helmet Training .
Comment by Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd on July 24, 2011 at 8:54pm
Thank you Chief for the invite. I look forward to participating and assisting the Training Cadre. With my close to 40 years experience.
In the interest of fire, life and environmental safety, Mike Schlags, Fire Captain/Paramedic/Hazmat WMD Specialist/Fire Prevention Officer III/Master Instructor (Retd.)
Comment by Brian J. on July 20, 2011 at 2:43pm
Here are some ideas for making MAYDAY training props. We took an 8 foot 4x4 cut it in half, drilled multiple holes and ran rope through it to simulate an entanglement. The other prop we made uses 3/4" plywood and 4x4's as well. We took a full sheet of 3/4" plywood and cut it in half and attached it to two 4' 4x4's. This can be used as a ceiling collapse. We use them a lot and is a very inexpensive way to train your members on the most important word they will learn during their careers.
Comment by Keith A. Morrone on June 15, 2011 at 5:57am
Thanks for the invite mike, As new to VFF as i am ill take a the learning i can get..
Comment by Russ Marks on May 20, 2011 at 11:33pm
Great day today, spent the day teaching live fire/flashover survival to High School fire class, 40 students have now joined the next generation. It is a great feeling to give something back.
Comment by Kevin Schulz on May 20, 2011 at 10:05pm
Thanks for the invite Mike. I think we all need to take this opportunity to push training to the next level. By working together we can all make a difference.
Comment by Michael Meadows on May 18, 2011 at 9:18pm
Thanks Mike I appreciate the invite.
Comment by Rachel on May 18, 2011 at 9:20am
Thanks for the invite!
I am not yet in the fire service...still a couple months to go...
I look foward to learning all that I can from the senior men and women who are willing to share!!!

Thank you to ALL firefighters and EMS personnel!!!
Comment by Tracey Lynn Morris on May 17, 2011 at 1:44am
MY naame is Tracey Morris I workes as traing officer for way to many yearss. I stared in the department in scouts as a teen In southwestern Pennslvania. I now live in Kansas.I am now training myself again to update on new technology thats out there I am also in the nursing field .
Comment by Tom Wallace on May 16, 2011 at 9:39am
Good morning everyone. I think this site is great. Let me introduce myself, my name is Tom Wallace and I am currently a 2nd Assistant Chief in a small department in Weedsport, Ny. I have been a member now for 22 years, spent 7 as a Lieutenant, 3 as a Captain and now on my 2nd year as 2nd Asst. Chief. I have taken multiple training classes. Most recently finished Hazmat incident Command and am currently enrolled in the NIMS I300 which starts next week. I am also a American Heart Heartsaver First Aid instructor as well as a CPR/ AED instructor. I do believe with what Russ says fire have changed in a large way since I first joined. They are hotter, larger, and have more chemicals involved. So yes training and preparation are big to teach the new or younger members. Like Russ says Everyone Goes Home.

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