Peter Lupkowski
  • Male
  • Wellsboro, PA
  • United States
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Welcome to Firetown, USA

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Safety Officer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Since (gulp) 1977
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Wellsboro, PA
Years With Department/Agency
Since 1986
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Blossburg, PA
My Training:
Pro Board FF-1, EMT-Instr, Haz Mat Tech, BS, MHA, NHA
About Me:
Complex problems have simple easy to understand wrong answers.
Day Job:
Wait, people are awake during the day?
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Heritage in service. Help local community. Invincibility Complex
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Top Issues Facing Responders:
A service wide inability to cogently express our message of staffing equals safety, efficiency and loss reduction.

Better a thousand times careful than once dead- proverb

The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. Albert Einstein

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." -Albert Einstein

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Peter Lupkowski's Blog

Forward to the Past

Posted on May 2, 2011 at 2:03pm 2 Comments

Is It a Full Moon?

Posted on October 19, 2010 at 9:01am 2 Comments

The belief in Fate, a divine hand, or just plain bad luck is encouraged and promoted by our understanding that call volume has some association with innocuous universal truths. Friday the Thirteenth is a widely held bad luck…


Posted on September 1, 2010 at 2:23pm 0 Comments

Zits pop,
Saliva spits,
Nasal secretions particulate,
Urine soaks,
Sh** stains,…

Not so sweet "Sound of Music!"

Posted on July 9, 2010 at 10:13am 1 Comment

Doe, a deer a female deer

Ray, the medic on the call

Me, the name I call myself

FA, the start of what was said….

SO, what will my penance be?

LA, it was the newest in the fleet!

TI, it’s technically not my…



Posted on June 10, 2010 at 12:38pm 0 Comments

I am roundly criticized for not yelling and generally being a wet blanket for exciting fun stuff. My outward form is quiet and thoughtful. It’s my form of the typical command presence. Inside however I am a maze of flashing lights and dichotomy. That’s the part I want to share, the other half.

Here’s the way my internal “dad psyche” works. I live at threat level “blue” for guarded, as in the Homeland Security Advisory System. The sound of our tone for an MVA with injuries interrupts my… Continue

IAFF Announces New Volunteer Initiative with NVFC

Posted on April 1, 2010 at 9:30am 0 Comments

Fire Rescue Magazine reported today that Harold Schaitberger, General President of the International Association of Firefighters met with representatives of the National Volunteer Firefighters Council at IAFF Local 4799 Fallbrook International Airport, PA to announce a new union initiative.…


"Dad, we have no power."

Posted on June 23, 2009 at 3:58pm 1 Comment

Bear with me on this one. I am at work. My wife is at work. My children are at home. Here in lies the problem. Let me summarize the last 4,327,953 phone calls from home. Keep in mind I get a smaller percentage of them than my saintly wife receives, and when I am actually home my children gravitate to any other room in the home to avoid the “can you help me with this” question that I usually come up with as I see them idle in front of the, pick an appliance, TV, computer, microwave,… Continue

Last Responder not First Responder

Posted on November 21, 2008 at 12:31pm 10 Comments

Recently the Wellsboro Fire Department was notified that a local business was removing an existing fire sprinkler system during a significant remodeling effort. Naturally the Fire Chief called to express his, and the department’s, disappointment and offer some suggestions about retaining the operating system. Principally he mentioned that there has never been a multiple loss of life in a fully sprinklered building and that fire sprinklers are widely recognized as the single most effective… Continue

Nomex Skin Would Help

Posted on August 21, 2008 at 2:07pm 0 Comments

Isn’t it always like this: We were having a quiet night and preparing to head home when things began to pick up. We are in and out of this building regularly and think nothing of it because it is at the end of the business district, well hydranted, and fully sprinklered. No signs of problems from the outside so we head into the kitchen to see and ask what’s going on there.

I was the second firefighter into the kitchen area backing up one of our newer guys. There was a light smell of… Continue

Another night of funnel cakes

Posted on June 17, 2008 at 11:29pm 1 Comment

We’ve had an exceptionally busy month and it’s only half over. The capper to that is this is the Pennsylvania State Laurel Festival Celebration in our town. A week of runs. bikes, parades, carnivals, car races, and yes firemen. We get 50 or 60 thousand extra tourists in our first due and a concurrent increase in calls to boot. The nice thing is that we staff the station for visitor tours and have extra folks rotating in for stand bys and relief. I’ve met and compared notes with safety officers… Continue

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At 3:02am on July 12, 2011, Andrew said…
Good day! I am a collector from Ukraine. I suggest you to exchange patches. Andrew.а
At 12:13pm on March 1, 2011, Rachel said…

At 12:52pm on December 2, 2009, Madeline said…
Go to the itunes store and look on the right hand side under "quick links". There you will click on "redeem" and cut and paste/copy the following code: 6TMN37KK4T3K . We are curious to see what folks thinks so please try it out and let us know. Thanks!
At 8:53pm on October 17, 2009, Joshua McCarthy said…
hey thanks... i thought we should get some more boro guys on here
At 2:25pm on September 16, 2009, Greg Jakubowski said…

Thanks for the feedback.

I was always taught protect personnel first. If the sprinklers are working, and designed/installed properly, they are doing their thing with the right amount of water. Boosting the pressure to the system is a good thing, but not absolutely crucial. Standpipes, on the other hand, particularly when they have a separate connection, may be dry. Nothing worse then getting to the fire floor, hooking up to the standpipe outlet, opening the valve, and getting nothing out of it. Get water to your firefighters first, then boost the pressure to the sprinklers. At the end of the day, if the chauffeur is good and the connections are close anyway, there shouldn't be much time difference between completing both tasks. There may not be a "right" answer here, but that is what my preference is.

At 7:58am on May 19, 2009, Padre Pete said…
Welcome Brother, Glad you like it. Our tradition of having a "Heavy Rescue" began in 1954 with what was quit possibly the first in the state. It was Cadillac green and an open walk-in. The one in the photos is our third replacement of that one and is still the only actual complete one among many others around here. It is auto response to everything. except EMS calls as a Home Depot on wheels. This is a great page you have here. Keep the faith.
At 9:15pm on May 10, 2009, paul button said…
thanks peter
At 3:45pm on April 29, 2009, Fire Engineering said…
Peter, thanks for bringing the discussion to our attention. I have forwarded it on to the Chief, and am hoping he will weigh in.
At 10:24pm on April 14, 2009, Lee Huff said…
Peter, with regards to your question about running first responder calls to gain knowledge toward my nursing degree, that was my idea. I have already gained much more self-confidence, and have found myself thinking more clearly in an emergency.
At 5:26pm on April 10, 2009, Leszek Borlik said…
Cześć Peter!
Pozdrowienia z Warszawy i udanego dyngusa!

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