Firefighter Chat Room - Firefighter Live Chat


Firefighter Chat Room - Firefighter Live Chat

Live chat for Firefighter Nation Members. Join the group to show your chat room love and let folks know you are here to talk.

Members: 1529
Latest Activity: May 12, 2022

The Firefighter Chat Room is Here

As a few of you already know, the chat room here has been removed. This service was a nice add-on the last year or so, but the continued problems that included inappropriate chat, personal attacks and other absolutely unacceptable behavior, especially after hours, is why its closed.

In the course of this, as usually happens, a few users are 'riled' up because they spent a considerable amount of time in the chat room, made friendships, connected, etc. I'm sorry to have had it come to this, but over the last year users have been warned MANY times, etc. but every time old troublemakers leave, more come in. Given the very small fraction of users who participate in the chat room, it is simply not worth the continued problems that arise there, especially after hours.

I believe if most users had seen what was taking place there they'd agree it has no place on a site for firefighters. It wasn't ever promised to be here forever, and last month accounted for less than 1% of the visits to this site. It is gone and will not be returning. Discussions about it will be removed, simply to allow us to focus on managing the segments of the site where that type of activity does not take place. The forums are here for discussions of all sorts of topics and much easier to manage. Unfortunately, the chat component was not.


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