
Safety Officers

Fire department Safety Officers, Health and Safety Officers (HSO) and others responsible for keeping our fellow firefighters safe... discuss your experiences, share your concerns, and impart your advice here.

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Latest Activity: Sep 14, 2017

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O.K., You've completed your 360. What are the conditions out there that you wish bring to the attention of the C.O.?

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

Fire Safety For Teenage Students

Started by flamefighter. Last reply by flamefighter Dec 7, 2011. 2 Replies

Incident Safety Checklist

Started by David Van Gasbeck. Last reply by David Van Gasbeck Mar 6, 2011. 6 Replies

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Comment by Alvin Gonzalez on May 4, 2017 at 11:08pm

1ST ANNUAL “SAFETY OFFICER FORUM” brought to you by The Brookhaven Town Safety Officers Association, Inc. Hosted by the Coram Fire Department September 23, 2017 Numerous Speakers: OSHA, PESH, FDNY, EMS, Safety Officers, NFPA, OEM, PSEG, NIOSH Numerous Topics: Culture Change, The Law, Safety Strategies, Safety Officers Authority, Safety Techniques, Terrorist Attacks, Cancer, POV’S Numerous Handouts: Safety Pins, Literature, Raffles, Exhibits and much more Numerous Giveaways Certificates, CEU's, CME's ATTENDEES TO REGISTER ONLINE CLICK HERE SCHEDULE Registration 7:00 a.m. Breakfast 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Training 8:30 a.m. to 4:30p.m. $65 per person ($70 after 8/15/17) ($75 at the door) Continental Breakfast and Lunch You can also contact Captain Ken Rubinetti (516) 429-7054 or Lieutenant Bob Davidson(516) 380-2270 for additional information Coram Fire Department 303 Middle Country Rd. Coram, NY 11727 Proceeds go to the Brookhaven Town Safety Officers Association and a portion to the Burn Center and Cancer Network

Comment by Ed Mello on May 8, 2014 at 10:02pm

It might be worth your time to spend 15 minutes to watch this video.

Comment by Jamie Quinn on November 27, 2011 at 3:57pm

Does anyone out there have sop's for fighting fires in marinas or yacht clubs. I have been tasked to come up with so safe work practices to put in place for our Dept. Can anyone give some help on this.

Comment by Jamie Quinn on November 25, 2011 at 9:31pm
I understand that I am working on SOP for fire
Fighting on floating docks.
And it is hard to get all the safety concerns addressed
Comment by Nathan Henderson on November 25, 2011 at 9:20pm

Sorry Jamie, I live in central washington so we don't have any marinas here. Wish I could help with that one.

I have been working on building the departments accident prevention plan and that is not going to be any quick task. (Need an aspirin just thinking about it, HAHA)

Comment by Jamie Quinn on November 25, 2011 at 8:23pm
Thanks AL
Comment by Jamie Quinn on November 25, 2011 at 8:19pm
Thanks Nathan
I have a copy of NFPA 1521 and have read it very
Good info you are right a lot to the job iam just picking away at it thanks mybe we can share Some info on things We cross in our travels.One thing I was wondering
If you have a sog that you could share On Marina fires
Comment by Al Mozingo on November 25, 2011 at 8:13pm

This might help if your a Safety Officer or if you are teaching about the position:



XXX NFPA 1521 Standard – 1997 – Condensed Summary XXX



The Incident Safety Officer Shall – Indicates a Mandatory Requirement


  1. Monitor conditions, activities, and operations: With a perceived risk, then take action
  2. Ensure the establishment of Rehab
  3. Monitor and report status of conditions, hazards, and risks to the I.C.
  4. Ensure the Personnel Accountability System is being utilized
  5. Receive a Incident Action Plan from the I.C.: Then provide a Risk Assessment of incident scene operations
  6. Ensure the establishment of safety zones, collapse zones, hot zones, and other hazard areas: Communicate to all members present
  7. Evaluate traffic hazards and apparatus placement:  Take appropriate actions to mitigate hazards
  8. Monitor radio transmissions: Stay alert for missed, unclear, or incomplete communications
  9. Communicate to I.C. the need for assistants:  Due to need, size, complexity, or duration

10.  Survey and evaluate the hazards associated with a landing zone and interface with helicopters




  1. Meet the provisions of Incident Scene Safety
  2. Ensure that a Rapid Intervention Crew is available and ready
  3. Building fire: Advise the I.C. of hazards, collapse potential, and fire extension
  4. Evaluate smoke and fire conditions and advise the I.S. on potential for flashover, backdraft, blow-up, or other fire event that could pose a threat to operating teams
  5. Monitor accessibility of entry and egress of structures conducting interior operations




  1. Meet the provisions of Incident Scene Safety
  2. Ensure compliance with the Fire Departments Infection Control Plan and NFPA 1500
  3. Ensure Critical Incident Stress Management is established as needed, especially for Mass Causality Incidents (MCI) events


Note:  See NFPA 1521 for a complete listing of duties



Al Mozingo – 619-447-2828 –





The Incident Safety Officer (ISO) must monitor and assess the incident for

existing or potential hazards and develop measures for ensuring personnel safety.    


O   ISO’s Role                        O   HAZ MAT OPS                O   SPECIAL OPERATIONS

O   Obtain a Briefing (IAP)    O   Safety Officer Assigned       O   Water Rescue

O   Walk Around (360)           O   Ambulance/Paramedics       O   Trench Rescue

O    Develop a Safety Plan      O   Site Safety Plan Developed  O   High-Angle Rescue

O    Make Recommendations                  (OSHA Requirements)        O   Aircraft Crash/Fire/Rescue

O    Monitor Radio                 O   Zones Established                O   Wildland Fires


O   Rescue & Life Safety          O   Forms to Personnel              O   Elevator Emergencies

O   Building Construction           O   Set Date & Time                 O   Confined Space Entry         

O   SCBA’s & PPE                     O   Facilitate Meeting             O   Building Collapse    

O   Smoke & Fire Conditions     O   Lessons Learned                 O   High Rise Building Fires      

O   Burn Time (20 minutes)       O   Changes of Procedures        O   Technical Experts               

O   Fire Invol / Flame Spread                 O   Training Deficiencies                      

O   Evacuation & Refuge Area                                                             

O   Utilities Secured                  O   EMS RESPONSE              O   MISCELLANEOUS

O   Offensive / Defense                        O   Infection Control                  O   ICS Established      

O   Size of Hoselines                 O   Scene Security                      O   Command Post     

O   Fire Protection Systems       O   Personal Protective Equip.    O   Staging Area

O   Extension / Ventilation         O   Hazard Assessment               O   Additional Resources

O   Scene Security                    O   Air Ambulance                    O   Special Equipment

O   Rapid Intervention (RIC)      O   Ambulances                        O   Rehab Established  

O   Medical                                O   More Personnel                     O   Ped / Infants

O   Building Collapse                 O   Risk Evaluation                    O   Establish Priorities

O   Access & Egress                O   Violent Acts                        O   Scene Security

O   Fatigue                                O   Multi-Casualty                     O   Accountability System         

O   Police Involvement              O   Communicable Diseases      O   Divisions Needed    

O   Prolong Incidents                 O    CISM                                O  Primary & Secondary Search



The primary propose is safety of all responders.  The ISO must have the ability, skill, and the knowledge to accomplish his/her role.  The ability to recognize and forecast risks involving first responders utilizing his/her experience and intuition.  The skill to communicate his/her concerns of unsafe operations to firefighters, officers and/or the Incident Commander diplomatically; thereby causing an incident or an activity of the incident to be altered, suspended, or terminated.  The knowledge and experience in the type of incident he or she is assigned.  This may include structure fires, emergency medical operations, and/or any one of a variety of special operations.


 Al Mozingo - (619) 447-2828 -




Type of Incident __________________________________________________________

Address  ________________________________________________________________

Site Assessment:

Terrain and Accessibility ___________________________________________________

Wind Direction and Speed __________________________________________________

Weather Factors at the Incident ______________________________________________

Incident Management System:

Location of Command Post _________________________________________________

Initial Response __________________________________________________________

Secondary Response  ______________________________________________________

Deployment of Resources __________________________________________________

            Div. __________         Group __________    Group ___________

            Div. __________         Group __________    Group ___________

            Div. __________         Group __________     Group ___________

Location of Staging Area ___________________________________________________

Location of Rehab Area ____________________________________________________

Additional Assistant(s) Incident Safety Officer: Due to Need, Size, Complexity, or Duration - Assignments ____________________________________________________

Hazardous Conditions:

Identify any Hazardous Conditions ___________________________________________

Risk Assessment  _________________________________________________________

(Severe, Moderate, Low)

Probability of Increase of Risk (Forecasting)  ___________________________________

(High, Medium, Low)

Initial Response:

Receive a Incident Action Plan from the Incident Commander

Strategy  ________________________________________________________________

(Rescue Mode, Offensive, Defensive, No Action)

Recommendations on Strategy _______________________________________________

Tactics  _________________________________________________________________

Risk Assessment of Tactics _________________________________________________

Recommendations on Tactics  _______________________________________________

Safety Considerations:

Personnel Accountability System Implemented  _________________________________

Control Zones Established __________________________________________________

Rapid Intervention Crews Established _________________________________________

Rehab Established  ________________________________________________________

EMS - Medical at Scene and Location_________________________________________

Evaluate Traffic Hazards and Apparatus Placement ______________________________

Establish Zones: Safety Zones, Collapse Zones, Hot Zones, or Other Hazard Areas _____



Al Mozingo – 619-447-2828 –


Comment by Nathan Henderson on November 25, 2011 at 7:39pm


If you can get a copy of NFPA 1521, thats the standard for Safety Officer. I ordered one which cost about 45-50$ it's gives you a good idea on what you need to cover.

You might also want to check out your states L&I or OSHA requirements depending on which your state uses for the requirements.

I am newly appointed to this position myself and there is a lot to this position so as you dig deeper, don't get overwhelmed. Depending on what your department needs to do to meet the requirements it may be a slow process. Take small steps and work at it piece by piece and it will get done.

Hope this helps, Good luck!

Comment by Jamie Quinn on November 1, 2011 at 3:40pm
I have noticed that there is alot of safety officers out there looking for info on the role of safety officer. Myself included if anyone has any links please post.

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