Joel C Kelley
  • Male
  • Kurtistown, HI
  • United States
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Joel C Kelley's Friends

  • Allen E Baltzer
  • Bobby Dees
  • Brandon Lane
  • Tracilea Young
  • Charles Becvarik
  • Cody Samson
  • Ted Nowland
  • Gordon "Gopher" Runer
  • FF Alex Hohler
  • Daniel Robert Garvin
  • BillySFCVFD
  • surfeveryday
  • Koa
  • Anthony


Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Twenty three
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Hawaiian Acres Fire Department, Kurtistown, Hawaii
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Wheat Ridge F.D., Colorado.
Hondo V.F.D., Santa Fe County, New Mexico.
My Training:
FF 1 & 2, New Mexico and Colo.
Fire Officer 1, New Mexico
S-130, S-190, S-290 USDA forestry.
Holmatro rescue tools Cert.
EMT-B, New Mexico & Colo.,
EMT-I, New mexico.
Hazmat Responder 1 & 2 Colorado and New Mexico.
About Me:
Too many years ago to count, about 20, My friend borrowed my folk's car to go on a date. While DUI, he totalled the car and killed his date. The State took no action, so I did. I set about to make things cosmically right by joining the volunteer department that responded to the call. They were the best! I could not have gotten better training if I had gotten into a paid academy. I made Lieutenant in three years and after two years in that position, thought I might try to go paid, so I moved to Denver. Four years trying to compete in that climate of "do anything to get the job", left me tired and burnt out, realizing I just wanted to Volunteer. When I moved to Hawaii this year, that option came again open, and here I am, on Engine Company 5-B in Hawaii County, and proud of it!
Day Job:
Mauna Kea Ranger
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To help get right with the universe and to give myself a challenge.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Being able to make a difference in my community
Top Issues Facing Responders:
The disparity between union and non union departments, Guaranteeing good recruits in volunteer departments, funding in small departments with small tax bases, good training.

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Joel C Kelley's Blog

Ahead of the curve

Posted on December 8, 2009 at 8:05pm 2 Comments

Two years ago, I bought my first set of personal bunker gear new on Ebay. Because it is the best, I bought Morning pride. Last year, our county Command staff spec'd new gear for the county CAREER fire fighters, and who did they use? Morning pride. I am proud to be ahead of the curve in my department!

In other news, it is beginning to appear that the IAFF local has no intention of letting the county command develop the Volunteer Division in any meaningful way, which means that it will… Continue

Election day!

Posted on November 9, 2008 at 9:33pm 0 Comments


Advice to Rookies

Posted on August 18, 2008 at 6:00pm 6 Comments

This is very likely to piss of the old timers, but I want to start talking about it, in hopes that our industry can find what it really needs and dispense with what is either outdated or does not work. I found this advice on a fire website today, and while some of the items are great advice, others really smack of hazing and a lack of teamwork. I am going to publish the original in black and my thoughts on it are underlined. I would like to see what kind of discussion this prompts to find out… Continue

Climate change

Posted on May 9, 2008 at 4:37pm 0 Comments

From the title, you might get the idea that this post will be about global warming.... well its not. I looked at the draft report from NIOSH on the Charleston LODD's from last year, and got to thinking about the climate in which we do our jobs. Incidentally, the report is available at:

Maybe I am just venting and maybe this will conclude with some ideas for positive change, I don't know. But I do know that generally speaking, the public, the… Continue

The Creed of the Sociopathic Obsessive Compulsive Fire Captain

Posted on September 25, 2007 at 6:12pm 2 Comments

1. If any thing can go wrong, fix it! To hell with Murphy!

2. When given a choice- take both!

3. Multiple projects lead to multiple successes.

4. Start at the top then work your way up

5. Do it by the book, but be the author!

6. When forced to compromise, ask for more.

7. If you can't beat them, join them, then beat them.

8. If its worth doing, its got to be done right now.

9. if you can't win, change the rules.

10. If you can't…


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At 5:12pm on July 6, 2009, Charles Becvarik said…
Hey Joel,
Sorry it has taken a while to get back to you. everyone says hello from Hondo. We just had the 4th of July Picnic at Station 1. It went well, even though we had several calls during the event. It was ok, you know how everyone loves to see us take off with lights and sirens. Oohhhhs and Ahhhs from the fans.

Keep in touch and be safe!

Charles Becvarik - NM EMS Bureau / Hondo FD
At 1:07pm on June 8, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Thanks again Joel!!! Stay safe brother.

At 9:52pm on May 16, 2009, Chad King said…
Sounds like you have to be creative with the equipment to get the job done.
At 12:10pm on March 18, 2009, Chad King said…
How is everything in Hawaii? Typical spring day here in New York. Mid - 50"s and they are still forecasting snow. Take Care. Do you guys have any unique fire apparatus that helps get the job done in the islands as opposed to in the states?
At 11:03am on March 18, 2009, alex said…
hi mate its alex from victoria austraila just looking for someone to chat to.. over here on the 7. 3. 09 we had a big fire that took out over 2000 homes and killed 210 still rateld as a vol
At 4:41am on March 17, 2009, josh sare said…
hey, my name is josh and interested in becoming a fire fighter in hawaii county. just curious if you got any advice or pointers. i currently live in paridise park.
At 5:31pm on January 2, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Hi Joel! I will send it off tomorrow. Remember to stay safe out there buddy!!! If you have any used patches laying around, I prefer them because there is a history behind them! Later dude!!

At 1:19am on December 13, 2008, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Hey Joel! Would you swap a patch with a Canadian? Aloha buddy!!! Stay safe.

At 3:30pm on December 9, 2008, krys said…
well, that explains where all our dispatchers are going.... :)
At 7:17am on December 9, 2008, Glyne Alleyne said…
Hi Joel thanks for stopping by, on behalf of all the members of the Barbados Fire Service I extend Seasons Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year. Lookin forward to corresponding with you.

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