Tony P
  • Male
  • Melbourne, Victoria
  • Australia
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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Country Fire Authority. Victoria
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Structure/Wildfire Firefighter. HAZMAT qualified. Driver. Trainer/Assessor. 1st Aid.
About Me:
Full-time volunteer firefighter. It's a great job but the pay sucks!

What more is there to say?
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I was available. They needed members. The rest is history.

Once you start, how can you stop?

This is me...

I'm a family man - two sons, one daughter-in-law and two grandaughters. Work was killing me quickly, and not with love, so I gave it all away and retired to be a full-time volunteer firefighter.

What have I done with my life? Been in the Army. Been a manager, IT Analyst/Prog. martial arts instructor. As a firefighter? My first bushfire was when I was 20, a crown fire, nice introduction! Volunteer in the Country Fire Authority, Victoria. Australia. Structure/Wildfire qualified, Hazmat, Level 3 1st Aid, driver, Trainer/Assessor, and lot's of bits and pieces.

We have a manageable number of jobs for a volunteer brigade - around 300 a year.

I'm in the middle of that photo on the left. 35C, very little shade, acid spill in a water treatment plant (which is why the chemical splashsuit), the spill was out in the sun. Of course. And I was there for 5 hours. Of course. But that's what they pay us for isn't it? Oh wait - I don't get paid do I? Never mind, it keeps us busy..

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Tony P's Blog

It's been a while...

Posted on October 19, 2008 at 12:49am 0 Comments

Yes, it's been a while since I last blogged. Just as well, you say!

It's now mid-spring, and it's warming up. What we're not getting, but should be, is our spring rains. So this is making it year twelve of sub-normal rain. Yes, drought is well and truly established.

I've just been reading a pre-fire season release from our forests people. Not good reading really, but we'll see. The not good reading? Just that once again it looks like we're heading into the fire season with… Continue

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At 4:28am on December 27, 2010, Michael Vito said…
Hello mate, it's been a long time..Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! I've come across video program in Australian Channel.... Emergency 000.... now I've seen good firefighting there..... Australian style ! Also bought a new broadband. maybe we can chat sometime... God Bless ya !

Michael Vito, Philippines
At 7:24pm on December 21, 2010, ROOKIELZ said…
Tony....are you still around?
At 8:56pm on September 1, 2010, Mick Mayers said…
That pic with Blazer Bear was taken in Queensland. I spent six weeks in NSW and QLD in 2002 on a job study with the firies there. In the US we have ol' Smokey Bear, but he's not a koala!
At 4:55pm on August 30, 2010, Mick Mayers said…
Did you see my picture with Blazer Bear?
At 4:38pm on August 23, 2010, ROOKIELZ said…
We probably SHOULD have had marshmellows at that last house fire. >roll eyesbr /> I felt more like beating some folks with my halligan, though.

I went through your pics; nice!
And I am surprised that you don't have Eva's music on here.
At 1:19am on August 16, 2010, ROOKIELZ said…
g'day Tony! Glad I found you. Much easier once I knew your name here!
At 9:46am on August 14, 2010, Jack/dt said…
Tony, no worries, not like I hold you responsible just because you're both aussies. On a brighter note he did remove both his posts rather than ignore our .suggestions'. He's shows promise but....unless what he did was to update his profile, he's actually a 16year old kid, and if so shouldn't be passing himself off as older/more experienced. It ain't right.
At 11:02pm on August 13, 2010, Jack/dt said…
Tony it was Tyler James, from queensland. When he posted yesterday am his profile said he was 16 and an explorer. Bot myself and Paul Montpetit gave him a rash of shit about a stupid and very unprofessional posting. In essence the post implied that anyone that claims to have been read ended (MVA) is lying, a faker and looking to make money and some other nonsense. I commented and so did Paul and shortly he took it down. He then posted another disucssion on the color of a fire truck, with a wise ass comment about people with no sense of humor. I commented on THAT one too and he took that one down.
He's a little wise ass. Now he says he's in college, I'm pretty sure he's a bullshitter.
At 9:30pm on July 3, 2010, Gregory Borg said…
Oh Oh, I see you are in Oz, well have a nice day on the 4th, some day you guys will give the Queen the boot as well.
At 9:28pm on July 3, 2010, Gregory Borg said…
Yea, I knew that when I wrote it. I just get tired of flag wavers and the hero crap. Have a nice 4th.

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