How many firefighters are out there that are musicians/instrumentalist? What instrument do you play? Do you currently play with a band or have you in the past? What genre of music do you like to play?

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I fiddle violin,and play with the Antwerp Drum and Bugle corp.. Snares and Barton .... Old rock 70"80's.. Some country....

I Play Saxes, Keys and a Little light Vocals, and occasionally I will Produce a song or two for someone else...



I am a drummer. I have been in a few garage bands in the past. Nothing too popular. I currently play for our church's worship services. I like playing rock and country styles.

Not with a the keys and Blues genre.  


I've play violin/fiddle, piano, and organ.

Stay safe!

I have played drums, trombone, french horn, piano, and I know a little on trumpet, barritone, and guitar. I don't play much anymore due to time constraints and I just sold my drumset last spring. As far as music I will play anything from classical to rock and country. As for listing it is mostly country with some rock and celtic music thrown in. A group of us at the staion are even talking about starting an FD band.



I played baritone and bass trombone in HS and tried to pick up guitar when I was in the Navy.  My daughter plays baritone now that she's in HS and I will pick up hers occasionaly.  I always had the most fun playing big band, swing and jazz.  I would love to learn to play the pipes.

i play the bass in a band which plays country and rock.  one of the guitar players is on the dept. with me.  I have been teaching myself the giutar and can play the drums.  have played the tennor and bari sax but sold them.  i play by ear so am not much good at teaching

I've played percussion and drums since I was 11. I "tool" around on set when I have time. I play most anything. A lot of blues with my hubby who plays guitar. Can play most except this new 'speed' metal or punk that double basses everything throughout their whole song. I know a lil piano, and flute as well. Played marching drums from base to quads to snare in high school and also marched in Drum Corps as well. In a couple of years I'm thinking of trying out for a local drums and pipes, just waiting for the youngest to get in high school.

This is our department band:  They play all over the country.

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