Updating... While I made a valiant effort, I must admit that I have managed to fall off the wagon after a short 3 months. I was doing good so I thought to myself,  but a weak moment caught me off guard and I haven't stopped since. I must say though, that it wasn't as rough as I had thought it would be. I hope to get it all back together here soon and give it another go. (Hope you guys/gals had better luck than me!)


First and foremost Happy New Year to all on FFN! I hope your year is everything you make it to be!


That being said what are some of goals for this year? Are you going to drop those pounds you keep saying every year? How about quit smoking/chewing? More family time? Vacation? Etc...


I personally would like to put the smokes down. I've never really made an attempt at quitting but I'd like to start now. There's a couple others but this is the main one. Let's hear what you guys got planned.

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I'd like to get into better physical condition, first of all. I'm hoping there will be no injuries in my workplace - zero. And I intend to spend more quality time with my wonderful wife. Like Mike, I challenge anyone who smokes to make a huge improvement in their lives - quit smoking. Do it for your loved ones. You could go to Las Vegas and celebrate with the money you'll save!
My goal is to increase my pleasure and decrease my pain - by any means necessary.
First:Not need to call 911
Second:get more physically fit
third: join the fire department as a cadet.
1. Spend more time with my family
2. get in top physical shape
3. Earn a career position
4. continue to train and learn everything I can
5. Just have fun and enjoy life to the fullest
My goals are to be a better Volunteer...I.E. Keep our trucks cleaner than what we have been.Spend more time at the station keeping it clean.I probably have more time to do those things than most others that are with the department and I live closer too.We are all volunteers.We all have regular jobs but I work day shift and only work 35-40 hours a week and most of the rest of the guys work 50 to 60 and 6 days a week while I work 5.
Now for a personal goal I'd like to loose 20 pounds and tone up a little.Oh yeah and make my divorce final.lol had to throw that in there.
gain 30 lbs
get my paramedic
start testing for career departments
Happy New Year everyone!
My goal wishes, hopes, dreams : finally have my double lung transplant this year, AND survive the operation. I realize that both of those are out of my hands, but I believe I will have help for that. Beyond that, my GOAL is to return to the fire service in whatever capacity I am able, but I am sure it won't be this year. In the meantime, I will be here - watching, reading, learning, (and sometimes pretending I know a thing or two about the job- by offering my opinion and advice to those who might need some) and hoping too that each and every one of you brothers and sisters out there will be safe, and successful on every run you make.

All the best in 2011 to you all, and your families
I'm going to stop hanging around so many women...they think you love them and that sucks.

I hope you achieve your goal, get through that surgery, and get back to the fire service...I'm in your corner man!
WHAT ???? YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMORE ????????????????????????

You Go Heather........................
Someone needs either to be less of a crybaby or get more waterproof mascara...I'm just sayin'

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