NFPA level 2, Vehicle extrication, CFSL ( Dalhousie University) etc. etc.
About Me:
Retired (disabled) about 5 years ago due to illness. I am presently awaiting a double lung transplant and hope to re-enter the service in whatever capacity I am able. My passion for this job will never die.
Hoping to meet new friends
Hi Brian, I just read your comment about waiting for the registry to call. I am going to light a thousand virtual candles for you my friend. If you ever need to reach out to someone please don't forget I am here just like everyone else. Speak to you soon! BTW I couldn't marry someone unless I saw their picture first. Just in case you look like someone from Green Acres!!! LOL
Hi Brian,
Thank you for the nice remarks. It is good to hear from you,but disturbing to read your comments about your health. I certainly hope and pray that you get a call soon from the registry. Those 'calls' unfortunately can take a while. All I can relate to is another fellow you might know...Norm Daly who was on dialysis for quite a while, and on a list. I'm happy to say that they called, and he has had the transplant. Doing so much better. Take Care.
hello, received you message thanks, but im not going to give up, im still on the go and still studing and wont stop until i pass, so my next class will be in the fall, but at least i went ahead and passed my praticals, and CPR so im happy about that, but i still havent received them from the NYS office, everyone got theres but me, so i called up the NYS the reminding them and still didnt get the papers from them, i have talked to my LT, and i was scared also casue of my health problems i have had years ago, i use to have seziure but i dont no more so that is what im worried about hopefully its not that, keep in touch and thanks
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Thanks for the reply to my thread. I replied to the rookie comment with a wink, I hope you did not take it the wrong way!
Thank you for the nice remarks. It is good to hear from you,but disturbing to read your comments about your health. I certainly hope and pray that you get a call soon from the registry. Those 'calls' unfortunately can take a while. All I can relate to is another fellow you might know...Norm Daly who was on dialysis for quite a while, and on a list. I'm happy to say that they called, and he has had the transplant. Doing so much better. Take Care.
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