what kind of tools do you take in on searches need some different views here

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It all depends on what position I'm riding. If I'm the hook man I'm usually doing VES. In that case I would have a hook and be doing the search alone. The bar man usually goes in with the engine company to force doors but also searches. He usually has a halligan bar and an axe/sledge. Those are how we would handle it with our truck positions, but our squad is what's primarily used for search and rescue. They break into two teams. Most will carry a bar with them. Officers may have a TIC. Type of structure may also change what we bring. I'm not going to being a hydra-ram into a rowhome, but I might want it in a high rise.
Halligan, flathead axe, TIC, flashlight, webbing, my arms, legs and hands, my brain, and for large area searches, such as commercial or industrial buildings, we utilize a search rope.
Never been on an actual search but always trained with a halligan, hook or flat head axe depending on if I was training with the engine or ladder.
What everyone else said plus a charged hoseline if on wasn't in the room
I always take in a box light and typically a set of irons too.
Any tool with a short handle to extend reach: axe or halligan, thermal imager, light, portable radio.
denver tool or irons, my brain, my partner.
Our searches are typically done in teams of 2. The officer typically carries a TIC and a 4-foot New York hook. The irons FF usually carries the irons and a search rope. If there is a 3rd team member or if searching close to the fire, the team usually takes a water can extinguisher as well.

Every position in my department also carries a radio, at least one flashlight, personal webbing and carabiner, and generally a pair of wire cutters or trauma shears.
for a primary search i thought you want to be a lite as you can so you can move swiftly
coordinate with your partner....you take an axe and he takes a haligan....good to have a pry type of tool and a striking type of tool...if searching you can reverse the axe and probe with the handle.....
In my department we always use the 2 in 2 out rule. While training, we tried something new to us. We put our shoulder against the wall and our leg strait out into the room while "squating" on the leg near the wall. We bounce forward and that gives us the same reach as a tool handle, but a faster time getting around the room. But we do all so take a haligan and a 6 foot NY style hook with the team. I think that this was taught during a HOT class.
Being a Truck Officer, I carry a TIC, a box light, a haligan, and a 6ft roof hook. We search in teams of two and the member who goes with me carries the irons and a box light. We have found that this combination of tools will allow us to gain access and/or force entry into most situations for us and the Eng Co, afford us better reach and coverage when searching, and get us through most overhaul situations. We only use a search rope for large areas(commercial buildings or large residentials) but for the standard residential, we search w/o a rope or hoseline.

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