How Many Departments Still Use 10 codes? Can You Talk to Police on Your Radios?

We were taught not to use 10 codes. Are dispatch still uses them to talk to PD so alot of our pages they use them. I know a few 1070 1050PI or 1050PD stuff like that. But it throws me for a loop at times. I feel like an idoit asking for the meaning on the radio but I do ask. I thought I should learn them But was told no by a chief officer on are department. He said they should not be using them anymore. We don't even have a up to date list anyway.

I did not think to be NIMS compliant they could be using them at dispatch?

I thought it was suppose to be Plain Language has something changed?


While on the radio subject we can not talk to any police dept. They did not want there talk groups on are radios. This is a sore spot with me. When paged we are all suppose to go to a tac channel. But the LEOs don't, They say they can't hear if another LEO calls for help somewhere else. We have to relay though central if there busy it takes time. I believe this will get someone hurt or killed someday praying I am wrong.

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My station doesn't use them. PD usually switches to Fire tactical channel and communicates in plain language.
We are getting away from 10 codes, but we do use them some. We can talk to law on some of your radios, but not all of them
We still use them alot
10-0 Death
10-1 traffic broken
10-2 radios reads loud and clear
10-8 enroute
10-9 repeat i think at least
10-23 on scene
10-8 10-24 clear of scene assigment complete
10-50 car wreck
10-50 pi car wreck with injuries
10-70 fire
10-100 stop all radio traffic

These are the ones we most often use
We dont use 10 codes any more unless u are older. they cant break the habbit sometimes it is half and half. The reason that we dont is if we use com lang then we can get a grant or u quallify for some. As far as the cops we answer to the sheriff dep.S.O. they page us and answer us wen we have raidio traff. If we need to talk to a cope we just say S.O unit responding to our MVA then say fire band and they will talk to you on your band that way you dont have to swich. As far as state police they us 900mhs and no fire radio will have a band in it that high if you want to talk to them they will have to go to your band piriod
The state went to plain language couple of years ago. One company still used 10 code though. Nothing anyone can do about it. We can talk to anyone with a 800 radio with a patch. Say we use Tac 1 for fire ground. If someone is dispatched to another county ot state then thier patched into say Tac 5.
we do not use the 10 codes for fire and ems....the only ones we do use is Signal 10 for emergent and Signal 50 for non-Emergent... law enforcement does use 10 codes...we are also able to communicate with law enforcement.. we have their dispatch channel in all our radios and they have ours in there's. some of them have our Tac channels.. LE has their own tac channels as well that we do not have....and also we have Signal 100 which is the universal code for Emergency Radio Traffic only..such as if we have a firefighter down or LE has a pursuit ect.
Since you use alpha, beta, charlie, delta, for EMS, what do you use to describe building sides??
This is one of many reasons why we no longer use 10 codes, for us accident w/injures is 10-50pi and w/out is 10-50pd
our station don't use the 10 code anymore...for some reason there is only 2 stations on the entire island that still do....I think for the most part the 10 codes were used for people in "scanner land" who would show up on calls it was easier for us to communicate between dispatch and crews. To date we can not communicate local PD via our hand sets...use god ol'e cell phone or just switch to another station and contact the nearest fire station and get them to call them in if we need them.

we try to leave the local PD until last and when the scene is clear cause they have the idea once they are on our fire ground they can push themselves right in to harms way
My department quit using "CB language" (my Chief's opinion) back in the late 80s.

Even the "10 code" system was and is not a uniform system, and meanings vary from region to region. There are a few small local departments in my area, being dispatched by law enforcement which still use a form of 10 code. A 10-50 at a couple of departments designates a motor vehicle collision, while at a neighboring dept, means a deceased person. A few use other "codes".

NIMS was supposed to be the magic fix whereby every department used "plain language" communications. Yeah right. It works on paper. Again, it depends on the local area, region, or state as to what constitutes "common". Spend a day listening to live radio feeds from across the country, and the only thing common about agency communications, is that it is not common.

So unless and until there is an official "Radio Police" to oversee communication, I'm 10-76, 10-19, for a 10-100 and I'll be 10-10 on the side..... good buddy.
We donot use the 10-codes here just plain language , abcde, for ems response, sides abcd for structures, and yes we can talk to law enforcement on the co-ordination chanel , the dispatch chanel is seperate from fire/ems and law enforcement ,
You can still use those for building sides. It makes no difference that they also use them for ems. We are the same way. I'm not giving a size up and dispatching a medical local at the same time. Alpha-Echo is for the priority of the call when dispatched.

Example: Medical Local Engine 8, Ambulance 30 respond for a charlie diabetic at 1946 C St SE.

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