  • 66, Male
  • Woodhull
  • United States
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Trainer's Friends

  • Brody Zimmerman
  • Timothy J. Gaffney, Jr.
  • Branden Hill
  • paul
  • Jeff
  • Brandon Lane
  • SFPD9101
  • Tammy
  • Kayli Borell
  • Tyler
  • Rom919
  • k hig
  • BillySFCVFD
  • Christopher J. Naum, SFPE

Trainer's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Training Officer, Captain, Hazardous Materials Team Member
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Clover Twp. Fire Department Woodhull,il
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Like I said 20+ years, but the 2 that I'm most proud of, FF II and Instructor I, my first ones
About Me:
currently president of MABAS div 31
Day Job:
Owner/Operator Construction Equipment
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Filled out an app on a napkin
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Let me think about that one

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Trainer's Blog

Christmas Cheer

Posted on December 24, 2010 at 10:48am 1 Comment

If you see a fat man who's jolly and cute,
 wearing a beard and a red velvet suit,
 if he is chuckling and laughing away,

while flying around in a miniature sleigh,
 with 9…


Posted on August 2, 2010 at 7:27am 0 Comments

Well good morning!

As I was doing my surfing this morning, sippin coffee, I leaned over and pulled off July on the old calender and there it was, 3 big X's marking the 26 27 28, this will be the day's I'm attending fire rescue international and so much looking forward to it. I've attended several events across the states but never this on, and it's in our state. Hope to meet some of you there, will be traveling with our own Chief Reason(he knows to bring ear plugs) and have… Continue

Operation Prom Night

Posted on May 10, 2009 at 9:19am 1 Comment

We’ve been doing these for several years sharing responsibility with 3 departments and 2 school districts, I’ve been in on 7 and this year was my first to be IC. It seemed a little unorganized this year, way to much stuff going to get everyone at rehearsal, I had no idea who was going to be there until just before, makes it kind of hard to plan. I should also mention that this is put on by our EMS side, and I was not part of this, merely a player but with everyone asking me questions right up… Continue

Why do I do it…..Morels??

Posted on April 26, 2009 at 8:06am 6 Comments

OK, I was going to leave the end of the title off but didn’t want to lead anyone here under false pretense, besides I may miss my target audience.

As I sit here early this morning, checked the weather, web and window, looked at the calendar, surfed the net for the latest sighting report….everything points to now is the time, at least in this neck of the woods. Morel mushrooms…those tasty little timber treats that are so very elusive, why do I go hunting them? First off its spring and I… Continue

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At 7:44am on April 4, 2009, Kayli Borell said…
how far away from amboy do u live?
At 6:51pm on March 9, 2009, Rom919 said…
Hey Trainer, thanks for the blunt truth... The volunteer in and volunteer out theory is in use too much these days.. that thought process has helped with already declining memberships. If you can get them through FF I, then kiss the ground and encourage FF II, most of the time, the prestige of having FF II, will get them to take it.. thanks again.. bud.. .. Tom
At 10:10am on March 6, 2009, Rom919 said…
I don't know Trainer, if both are not tied together... As you know when your are trying to sell "Fire Fighting" to your customer. As you pass on the "basic requirements" needed and then add on all the "required requirements" .. you can see the look in their face of declined interest. I don't believe in the "Apathy" senario , I believe in, we have in the fire service have made this job harder than it needs to be. Has the fire really changed that much in your 20 + years ?
At 3:23pm on January 1, 2009, Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich said…
Wow; I'd better get busy.
You're catching me.
Hey; you're discussin'.
Makes people think.
And that's a good thing.
Happy New Year.
I saw your kids last night.
At least; I think I did.
At 8:50pm on December 21, 2008, DowP said…
Hope fire is away from merry chrismas and everyone stay safety
At 6:41am on December 21, 2008, Philipp Huss said…
we wish merry christmas and happy holiday.

stay safe
phil from germany
At 12:18pm on December 20, 2008, Christopher J. Naum, SFPE said…
Hey Thanks for the postings and insights, they add a lot to the skill set developement of our "younger" submitters.
BTW, I was down your way MANY Many years ago....Moline and Geneseo..just passing thru and visting...
At 9:29pm on December 18, 2008, Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich said…
The first time that I shoveled snow at Dorothy's was the night of Merrill's calling hours. Just thought it was the neighborly thing to do. I decided to continue doing her sidewalk and drive. It's good exercise. I don't want her to have to pay for snow removal or having her lawn mowed. Loretta takes care of the lawn.
Don't know who is doing Barb's snow. She can afford to have you do it.
Though Barb is a good Republican, I am not moving her snow.
I don't want to mess with small business. They are an important voting block.
Have you considered advertising?
Come over; we'll make snow angels.
Dress warm.
At 9:28pm on December 6, 2008, WILLIAM SWANSON said…
At 3:56pm on November 29, 2008, Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich said…
Stop it. You're making me giddy.
You better watch yourself; your topics could become too cerebral.
Kudos on your rise in the ranks.
I think I am working towards something called a guru or my own website.
Have you been to the Jake site lately?
Your pal,

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