Weirdest Stories of why this happened to me/ oh i poked my self in the eye i want to go to the hospital i think i might be dying

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Weirdest BS call. Was sitting at home and the siren KEPT going off for a service 5 times. So I called dispatch from home (worked there and was an assistant chief) They begged me to go down to the senior community because this lady said her cat was stuck under the TV. She lived next to my moms old spot before she passed away so I knew the lady.

I get down there and she points to the TV stand...the WIRE TV stand. So no cat...then she ask me to check under the couch and other places until I notice theres no cat box or food put out...NO CAT. I called fireboard and tell them 10-81 notify 10-87 for further calls....Crazy person let the police handle it....30 mins out of my life I'll never get back

Weirdest EMS call...same senior community. We had this guy that weighed 800 pounds. After going down there 3 times we couldn't get people to respond. The last time we almost had a building response. Rescue, Engine, Ambulance, Utility truck and chiefs car. All we needed was a ladder....
I am looking for my cat... Have you seen her?
Heather, The last time I seen your cat Ralph said he was taking it for a walk. You know he loves the kittys.
Glad they are out walking... 'cuz last time I saw Ralph and my kitty...

We actualy got a call at the station and the lady says "please do not laugh at this every one else has.... My cat is stuck in a tree about 30' up" So I call the Chief and tell him what is going on and he sayd "are you S*^#en" finaly he comes down and we take our tanker out to the house and as we are pulling in he looks at me and my prtner and says "I dont see a cat where is it I know you guys are screwing with me" I pointed to the tree and said there it is Chief.... The first words out of his mouth "Well I'll be damned". We get the cat out of the tree and the lady is hugging us and thanking us and her husband looks at me and says "I was going to shoot the damn thing down but she got mad" lol
Isnt my story but heard from a friend this call...
A kid states that his mom is sleeping and bleeding and she wont wake up.
Turned out Mom was a heavy sleeper and had gotten her monthly visit.
Didnt wake until the EMT's woke her.
That must of been a shocker.
well i have 2 bs calls to throw out there. 1 it was 0530 and tones drop, dispatch says you have water in the road.... sad to say it was from a leaking plastic road barrier we filled up 2 days prior, fellas grab the towels. #2 it was late afternoon and the tones drop, we respond to glass in the road. it was ridiculous, we shut down the main road for 15 min to sweep the glass to the side, mind you i feel it was a DOT problem but hey they took man power that could of been used for something serious, luckly nothing major happend.
thats funny!
see if this counts as dumb,
tone drops for our department w/address. we dont have an I street and dispatch finds out its for another city.
again tone drops for another call to that station, they drove for 20 min before realizing its not in their city..
yesterday we get dispatched for a structure fire, wrong addy, 5 min after we arrive we get the correct one. good thing there was no fire, lightning hit the chimmeny and blew the front of the fireplace out.. if i was sittin there when that happen i would have crapped myself!
We got a call from the next district. They wouldn't respond so the lady called all the fire companies in the area. We asked the other chief and he was like what the hell if you forward 30 mins and now theres us, about 20 citizens, a tree climber and...the NEWS PAPER. Some called the station and told them you better get your behinds down here. The news paper is here and Belvedere is taking all the credit. They pulled up just as the cat was being brought down out fo the tree. It was a real nice article...for us...not so much for them.
when i joined the fd my chief said we do anything BUT rescue
Last winter we had a call to a house where the owner could smell smoke. On scene the owner, who was piss drunk, tells us that he can smell smoke in his kitchen. After a search of the house one of our Captains comes out of the house with burnt toast.

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