Bryan Phillips
  • Male
  • Trail, BC
  • Canada
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Bryan Phillips's Friends

  • Randy McDougall
  • Andre Oosthuysen
  • David Hearn
  • Aleta McCrory Phillips
  • David Elson
  • Edward A, Estes
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

Bryan Phillips's Page

Profile Information

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Part/Paid Fire Department
Job Function
Firefighter/Driver Operator, First Repsonder
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Salmo Fire/Rescue for 7 years as a firefighter and first responder

Safety Net Security for 3 years as a security guard, industrial first responder, safety officer and emergency response supervisor.
My Training:
I am enrolled in Fire Fighter I and II training and I am currently exterior operations certified.
About Me:
The biggest fear I have being a Firefighter is going out to a call and finding a child seriously injured or worse, especially if the child is around tha same age as my son.
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:!/phillipeano
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
It took me six years to really find the words to explain why I am a firefighter. In one call I found the emotions more then the words to explain it. I responded to someone in need of help after an MVI, I helped give the best medical care possible and got the patient to the hospital with their condition improving. I came home with the feeling of pride in knowing that I did it all because I enjoy helping people in this way. All of these moments and feelings from this one call summarized why I am a firefighter.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The excitement of going on calls and helping people.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Politics, reliability issues, and in BC separate dispatches for different emergency agencies; there is always miscommunication or information missing when information is passed from one agency to another.

Bryan Phillips's Blog

EMS Conference

Posted on May 11, 2015 at 4:30pm 0 Comments

I was at an EMS conference this weekend that promoted multi-agency training during different types of emergencis but focused more on mass-casualty incidents and the challenges of limited resources in rural areas. This was a great first step in training and communicating between multi-agencies and will hopefully continue and grow.

What do other fire departments do for multi-agency training especially in rural areas?

Music Festival Scenario

Posted on August 3, 2014 at 3:52pm 0 Comments

This is something that my fire department has to deal with every year and we do have a plan for response to the festival but I am curious how other people would respond to it.

Shambhala Music Festival is about 10 minutes outside of the Village of Salmo but response can be up to a half an hour depending on traffic. The route is paved highway up to the turn off to the music festival then it is a dirt road for about 5 km (about 3 miles), about half of the road is only single…


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At 1:58pm on October 14, 2014, John Gillard said…

Hi Bryan,

I will trade my FD patch for your Kootney FD patch.


At 7:06pm on May 22, 2013, Randy McDougall said…
Hi Bryan:

Received the patches this past week. Thanks so much! Did you get mine yet?

At 9:41pm on May 7, 2013, Randy McDougall said…
Hi Bryan:

Did you want to send me your email address so I can send you a picture of the patches I mentioned in my previous email?

My email address is


At 9:20pm on May 5, 2013, Randy McDougall said…

Send me your email address and I'll send a photo of the two patches I mentioned in my previous comment.

I collect all three - police, fire and ambulance. They don't have to be long as they are in decent shape.

At 9:05pm on May 5, 2013, Randy McDougall said…
Hey, Bryan

Did you want to trade one of our departments patches... Mississippi Mills for the wyndell lake... Or maybe an Ottawa patch? Or I can send you a list for you to look at... Let me know. I'll send you an email of them
At 6:30pm on May 3, 2013, Randy McDougall said…
Hi Bryan:

I would be interested in trading with you for the Wyndell lake view crest. Let me know if its still available and I can send you a list of my traders
At 3:32am on July 11, 2011, Andrew said…
Good day! I am a collector from Ukraine. I suggest you to exchange patches. Andrew.
At 8:27pm on July 5, 2010, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
Bryan, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Have fun and look around.

Chief William Sharp
Brookings, Oregon

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