But first let me quot Matthew Voges " how dare you put a black make on the face of your Fire

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Nice, but if you were going for the insult, you are still the one who ran the stop sign and is trying like hell to justify it.
LAZY BOY! says it all
Dang it Probie. When the Chief told you to keep your seat, he didn't mean it like that.
hey are the dogs ready yet
"Hey, Jake ...Is that the only thing you guys saved before we went defensive?"
OK Probies....carry me to the fire........I got the nozzle
Wow, this new 3D big screen TV is more realistic than I thought!!!
LOL I know it is off subject but has any one seen that firefighter game? Is it even real? If so how is it?
Man it doesnt get any better than this...got my recliner, got the nozzle, now wish we were allowed to have a few beers and some dogs, I'd have made putting the Ex's house out then..... LOL
the firefighter game for the wii is iindeed real. i enjoy playing it. the only real problem i have with it is the way that the k-12 saw is used in it. otherwise its a fun game.
Hey, someone take muh picture! There is some chick on the ffnation site all hot n bothered and wants a REAL firefighter. I wanna give that Blake dude a run for his money. I think she will dig muh hose n chair better than his tea! what you think guys? c'mon - take the fn pic. before the chief sees me!
Now rookie, this is why salvage is a BIG part of our job.

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