Other firefighters used to come to our firehouse and comment how much fun it is. Or we would go to a cover up and have a ball just hanging out or playing cards. We also used to be one the few companies that would get 2 engines out during the day.


I'm not an active member of the company any longer but I still talk to active members. I keep getting the same thing, its not fun anymore. And the response as changed drastically. One engine during the day, same 2 drivers same FF's.


A know firefighting is a serious business. But as volunteers we need to have a reason to keep members around. Training ALL the time becomes tedious and boring. Who wants to work all day then go to the firehouse for more work. We used to call the firehouse our own social club. Many members can't afford to join a country club so the fire house is were we come to get away from the family for awhile and relax.


What did we do to "have fun" Monthly BBQ's. The firehouse might buy crabs and the members would bring chicken, salads and stuff. Yes we had Beer but we also had a designated crew so we would respond quickly on the weekends. If there was a boxing match we would order it and have a boxing party. There might be 20-30 people in our TV with many half to 2/3's being members. Superbowl parties would be outrages. We had to start charging non members and move it to the social hall. But everyday things were card games and sitting around talking about each other.


I know Chiefs and Presidents that seem to want to seperate themselves or even be above "regular" members. But sitting around with the members means alot. Being in the Chiefs or Presidents office all the time does not promote harmony. You would be surprised what members think when just sitting around.


Basically, a fun firehouse is a well manned firehouse. The more fun you have the more people what to be there and the equipment gets out better manned and faster.

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Do we have fun??? YES!!!

We pull a few pranks, and do little things just to make everyone smile.

A few examples.
My first day riding along. I had been to the station before, but never had ridden along. So, after a hard days work (we had 13 calls that day, good first day). we headed back to the station for dinner. After eating, the firefighters ussualy do something to see who cleans dishes. Well, today it was 'Dancing for Dishes!' I was lucky. The rookie had only been at the station for about 1 week. and altho this was my first day riding out, i had been at the station for 7 months. He went first. We laughed so hard. The captian put on some classical music and told him to dance. Its was pretty funny watching everyone get on the kitchen table and dance!!! There is still a video of me dacing going through the department on firefighters phones. I had gotten the nick-name the "hot feet". Great night!

Another one was when i was working again and it was about 9pm and we were wiping down the riggs. We take squirt-bottels filled with water and wipe down the apparatus everynight. well, this day had been a slow day. Wipping trucks turned into a full on water fight!!! First it was squirt bottles then it was cups filled with water. Then it turned into the truckies vs. the engine and paramedics. I was kinda on my own. that was such a fun night. But then...we then got a call. I was a call to assist a rescue ambulance that was transporting a violent patient. We arrived onscene and the Battalion cheif was just getting there, all 14 of us got out of the trucks COMPLETELY drenched. All the chief could do was look at us and shake his head. As we all walked toward the ambulance all u heard was *squeesh squeesh* x14. it was so hard not to laugh.

There are many more stories, but these are just some of the best
We not only have fun with the rookies, but with the other shifts. A word of caution, since the other shift is not rookies, be prepared for them getting you back. Years ago, one shift bought group lottery tickets. Hoping to score the big one. They kept their tickets in their shift food cabinet at the station. They were on a 4 day break during the picking of the number. They were not going to check their tickets until 3 days after the drawing. Someone on the other shift went out and bought a ticket with that weeks winning numbers and placed it in with their stack. They came back to work and starting going thru their tickets, when they thought they had a winner. They were all pumped up and couldn't figure out why the other shift was laughing at them.
We have a sticker on the front door that says, "DANGER, No smoking unless you are on fire" . One day we were draining the tanks on the trucks and the guy on the hose with the Chief had a cigarette in his mouth.... The Chief looks at him and says, "Your smoking? Here let me put it out for you" Then sprays him with the hose.... I have not seen that guy smoke since lol
We have fun at our place. It's usually a little different than you guys since it's a full-time department in a big city so we don't have the cook-outs at the fire house or anything. It also doesn't affect our manning. There are definitely plenty of pranks though. Last tour we had two guys soaked by 5:30am. I've heard plenty of crazy stories about the past, but things have calmed down since there are so many rules these days. I've heard one company tell their rookie that the airport called and they had a problem so he had to get on the roof with flash lights and direct planes. Others make their rookies sit out by the flag with a light for awhile if they forgot to take the flag down before it got dark. Most of the fire houses are always screwing around and having a good time, at least the busy ones. When you run 20 runs/tour, you need something to lighten up the mood.
It used to be fun. Now its its like a snowball fight but theres no snow so they use write-ups
Yeah very serious job and or career, kind of like a calling, right? Like being a priest, very serious and business like at all times. Or an undertaker, yeah an undertaker.
HI Chief I was wondering do you know where all the paper clips are?

Much like being a preist or an undertaker.
as a station officer i try to make my firefighters under me enjoy working and learning. we make jokes but most of my firefighter under me have familys and kids at the house waiting for them. yes i try and plan a few BBQ'S each year. forth of july is coming up so we try and hang out in the evening pop fireworks and have some family time. these days and time most people have to work more to keep there family out of the hole. price of gas stays high. food keep rising. it's hard for the volunteers to really stey at the station like they use to 11 years ago. yes we come to training and calls but then it's off to work or time to spend with the kids and family.
Ya nice joke just remember I will get you back.
After a few calls, a few of us will just sit at the station and talk, one time we got back to the station at 11ish at night and we didnt leave the station till 4 in the morning
After a few calls, a few of us will just sit at the station and talk, one time we got back to the station at 11ish at night and we didnt leave the station till 4 in the morning

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