One of the coolest things I have ever received in the mail, ever... arrived at my house a couple of days ago. It was from one of the friends I made here on the FFN, and he is from France, where he works as a professional firefighter. Like many firefighters, we both like fire service related things and are involved with trading things back and forth. What amazed me however, was the functional design that I saw first hand. 

Up to this point, I have only seen photographs of french firefighters wearing a very unfamiliar fire helmet style. To be honest, I blew off the design because they just did not look like fire helmets. After having the chance to actually wear one, I offer the following insight for those, like myself, who never have had the chance to see what our brothers and sisters across the Atlantic wear for head and face protection.

The world just keeps getting smaller... I invite everyone to take the time to get to know others around the world with the spirit of sharing and providing the most up to date training and response information available. We are not alone, we have each other.

Prenez garde à rester en sécurité, (TCSS)


The Casque Pompier (Fire Helmet):

Built in Safety Goggles:


Fire Helmet Protective Visor / Heat Shield:


View Through Fire Helmet Protective Visor / Heat Shield:

Fire Helmet Heat Shield:

05-25-2010 Update: I made direct contact today with MSA and spoke with one of two sales reps that have knowledge of the French Gallet F1-SF Firefighter Helmet. Here's what I learned:

• These "French" fire helmets are manufactured by MSA, which is 100% USA owned and is based internationally out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 

• MSA bought out the french company Gallet 7-8 years ago, which included this helmet design and manufacturing rights.

• Existing USA style fire helmets are rated to no more than 1500˚F, while this particular style is rated to 1800˚F. Why more? The same technology used by NASA for astronaut helmets visors are incorporated into this design. Both the helmet and face shield reflect the heat, keeping the interior of the helmet cool, with maximum interior helmet temperatures reaching around 95˚F.

• The existing F1-SF helmet does not meet NA standards as mentioned in one of the posts. However, there is such a demand now for this style that MSA is working on providing a NA approved helmet that has the same features but also possesses the necessary impact standards.

• What we are looking at is a glimpse of what the 21st century firefighters are going to be wearing, internationally...

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For us is a matter of tradition, no european helmets at all, US helmets are the best looking (not the safest) and people recognize you as a FF, I have been in many European cities Fire Depts. and helmets and fire engines are very diferent not nice looking at all.
Sorry tradition first !!!
You seem to be so fixed on image... Fire fighting isn't about image, its about saving lives & property and keeping your mates safe.

True, but it is also a matter of opinion and is there really proof that these helmets are any safer than what many wear here? You know, because ALL helmets must meet standards, so it would be tough to argue a safer issue....which thus boils down to a matter of opinion.
Awesome pics BZY! I have a red one I purchased a while back but WOW! I like yours better. I have tried it on and would say that the fit an function is nice.
I traded for a glow in the dark one last year. Yes, they are cool. All the guys at work played with it. The style of firefighting that we do (interior), is not the same that most Europena departments do. They tend to not be as aggressive at interior attacks. Thus, we have different standards and gear.
Is this made of metal? If so how long do you have to wait for the metal to cool before you take it off your head? And will it cook your head should you get it too hot for too long? I'm sorry leather or thermoplastic would not conduct the heat the way this helmet would. And personally I like staying cool on a fire not roasting. Besides there's no room for the baster inside.
they are sold here in the states by MSA its the fire knight helmet for around $ 200.00
i wanted to buy one since i was 18 when i first saw it in firehouse
where do you think cairns got the idea for the stow-away face shield for the 1044 model helmet?
I've field-tested one of these, and frankly, they have some problems. They cause much more heat stress than U.S.-style helmets in hot weather or if the inside heats up at a fire.

They limit peripheral vision.

The built-in goggles can be damaged by heat and smoke in the damaged position, because they're not removable like the better U.S. designs.

They do not protect nearly as well from impacts to the top of the helmet (think falling objects or localized collapses) neary as well as the U.S. helmets with the suspension system/impact cap internal to the helmet shell.

They don't mate up well with the high collars worn on most U.S. turnout coats.

Several of those styles make a U.S. leather helmet seem lightweight, too.

Sorry, CBz, I just don't like the Euro helmets when compared either to my leather or my backup 660C.
new motorcycle helmet
"Why don't we copy the French fire helmet designs?" You answered your own question - they're French.
The style of firefighting that we do (interior), is not the same that most Europena departments do. They tend to not be as aggressive at interior attacks.

Really? I never heard that before. I thought they actually did more than we in North America do. Learn something new everyday I guess.
I'd love to give one a try, but they look too lightweight, and I worry about how it would deflect the hot stuff from running down the back of your neck. I know the shield on the back does this. I prefer the bill on the back of my American helmet, as it is inherently safe (can't find it's way to the inside of your jacket) and a lot tougher. I wish we could go back to the style my grandfather had, which had a huge brim around it. The brim on American buckets has the added bonus of keeping the rain out of your face at MVAs.

The structural gear we use here (Australia) is about half as heavy as what we used in the US. I routinely am surprised at how hot I get, and how little protection it affords. The tactics are very different here (about half as aggressive as in the US) so the gear is a lot different as well. I wonder if French tactics drive them to different gear as well?

There is probably a French website somewhere (l'etat de pompiers?) asking why they don't migrate to the American style helmets!
what about SCBA compatability?

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