Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
PGFD Prince George's County Maryland, USA
College Park MD
District Heights MD
My Training:
Fire, HazMat II, EMT-B
About Me:
American expat living in Australia. Grew up in Prince George's County Maryland, now living about 30km from Sydney. Back home, my department was entirely urban, here we are mostly bush fire, it's very different, but a lot of fun doing a new thing.
Day Job:
computer security guy
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined because I love the excitement. I stayed in because I enjoy making a postive impact.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Chicks dig it!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
The heavy focus on firefighter safety is starting to outpace our commitment to the public. We need to be prepared to risk our lives a little for property, and a lot for life.
Comment Wall (32 comments)
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Hi Vic
Great to see we have someone else from the land of Aus on here. Thanks for adding me as a friend. The rain has stopped up here and the sun is actually shining again!
So Vic: you think you want to be my friend... hmmm... are you sure? I can be a lot to handle! Are you by any chance, SDA ? I saw that you served in College Park, MD - isn't that an SDA town? Well great to meet you officially. I look forward to seeing you around the pages. Stay safe and keep in touch. Heather
Hi Vic
Well you may have an opportunity to participate in a big HR up here if it goes ahead. Rumour has it, it will be in Spring. Will kep you in the loop if I get word.
hey vic how are things whats been happening with you latley hey i am just starting my own motorsport fire company called trackside fire emergency and i am looking for firefighter to volunteer for my team if your intrested let me know so i can send you the application in the post hey do you have structal gear if not what you have is ok mate
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Stay Safe!!
Great to see we have someone else from the land of Aus on here. Thanks for adding me as a friend. The rain has stopped up here and the sun is actually shining again!
Well you may have an opportunity to participate in a big HR up here if it goes ahead. Rumour has it, it will be in Spring. Will kep you in the loop if I get word.
Have a good one, mate.
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