How do you see them in the line of fire? What are your opinions and veiws?

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Lady firefighters may not have quite the strength that men have, but they're just as good and dedicated to the profession as firemen are.
Silver Fox, I have seen some women firefighters who would put many men under the table. I would stand next to a women and fight fire any day. Only issue I have is women who feel they have something to prove or want to be treated different. Respect is earned. Get out there an earn it an you'll be respected in my book.
Though, some could be a detraction as long as they get the job done then they are good with me....
I totally agree. We couldn't do without the women on our department.
The days when there were any distinctions between men and women are long gone. Any woman is now welcome to stand side by side as a sister with any brother in my book. Just like any member in the department the bad ones sort themselves out and move on
There are no women firefighters or men firefighters or white fire fighters or black firefighters. We are firefighters --period.

it is about doing the job -- that is all
I wish we had more women in our Department, they do an outstanding job and often are over looked and under appreciated.
For some reason we ( men ) dont say Thank You enough.
I am so proud that my oldest daughter passed her 1152 and will support her and any other women who want to do the job....
I believe that if a woman can do the job and wants to be good at the job, she deserves an equal opportunity. I have worked with some women who love the job and work hard at being the best they possibly can. I would take them over most men.
Women can make great firefighters. They can also make terrible ones, just like men. I find women tend to have less physical strength than men, so they need to use their heads more and rely less on brute force. Fortunately women aren't poisoned with testosterone, so they can do this! I like to say to our female rookies: "you need to be twice as smart as the men, but that's not very hard to do."
I see only firefighters not what sex, we are all needed and do a great job reguardless of sex. Team work is where its at!!!!

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