Lets go off subject for a bit.....How many out there are going to respond to the Census of 2010...?  How many will answer all the requested questions...?  I ask this because I did some research on the subject....Are you aware that the Government has the Authority to count the people of the country to allow for representation of their areas...?(every 10 years)   Now I have some questions...why do they need to know our income..? why do they need to know whether I own or rent my home...?  Why do they need to know my ethnic background...? and there are about 50 other questions that....well, to be straight...is none of their business.....I filled out my Census form...I put my name, date of birth, and under ethnic background I checked "other" and wrote in American....I did this for those that live in my household and left everything else blank.  Well it took about 2 weeks for someone to come to the door and Identify themselves as a census worker and start asking questions.....I politely refused, telling them I gave all the information required under the American Bill of Rights....I was told that I HAD to coply (Wrong thing to say)  LOL....I asked them to show me where under the Bill of Rights or the Constitution hat I had to comply.....I was told that it is illegal to refuse...I then asked if I could refuse to answer under the 5th ammendment..?  He stammered a bit but wouldn't answer...so I did the natural thing....I told him to call a cop...and closed the door.....He hasn't been back.  I don't usually take this stand but after our last President...you remember King George...and our current one...the one that looks like a mix of the guy from mad magazine and Arnold from differnt strokes, I don't trust them to do what is right anymore.....Just my look at things...I was wondering if any others might have doubts as well....thanks...Hey, stay safe out there....Keep the Faith Brothers and Sisters.........Paul

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Is it really such a big deal you make this out to be? C'mon man. Such questions go towards demographics of an area, along with population for representation. Income goes to show which areas are considered wealthy, middle class, to poor. Should say fire grants etc go to affluent communities because the wealthy don't want to pay for their fire protection, or to the poor communities struggling to provide fire protection? How else can you really ascertain demographics if they aren't supplied? Asking if you rent or own a home shows the number of homeowners as compared to renters in a community. Asking race/ ethnic background also goes towards demographics.
It is information obtained by the census that helps determine funding, representation, infrastructure, public transportation, schools, police/fire protection and so forth.
I believe the only authority granted under the Constitution was to count the people.

I too answered American on ethnic background. For a country that touts "racial equality", that question is... well discriminatory. I guess I could have checked other and wrote; Texan. Or maybe; German, Polish, Irish, with a little Cherokee Indian, that's too much writing.

I'm sure I be getting a knock on my door too.

mix of the guy from mad magazine and Arnold from different strokes
I love it!
As inefficient as the government is, I seriously doubt the IRS will find out from the Census Bureau how much anybody makes, etc., etc., etc...It seems the CIA and the FBI barely talk to each other on matters of national security.
I should add that yes, I do vote....and yes I AM a Veteran....so I sort of feel that gives me a right to bitch a bit....oh, wait.....I fought so that we all have that right didn't I.......Hmmmm........they know what I make...I file taxes each and every year....I say if you want it then do your homework....I'm NOT going to hand it to you....You see...I live in one of those "economically depressed" areas....that's where we get Doctors that can't practice anywhere else..so they come here because the Government will forgive loans if they work here for 3-5 years (don't speak english very well either)..Even our State doesn't know that life exists this far North....they don't care....but we do........
It sounds to me that you're just fed up with the government to which so many people are, in these times of the political bull--xxit! You have that right, for how long it's anybody's guess?
I think I'm like most, I don't really think about the "importance" of a census, I send it in to keep from getting bothered by a door knocking census taker. Sent mine in a few days ago and in turn the postal carrier delivered a postcard saying I haven't returned mine yet. Whew, Just in time. Oh heck who's that at my door?
Paul, thank you for paying the price for me to have the safety and ability to vote, pay my taxes, and fill out that silly Census form. By the way I put other and wrote Scottish. If they come to my door I'll treat them like the Jovies and show them whats under my Kilt. Damm! they never seem interested after that. Ive never felt I had any plumbing problems. So it must just be they get the feeling I'm not buying their BS.
Oh by the way I say he looks more like Arnold the MADD guy. Big ears and all................
This is nuts. Congress absolutely has the authority, it's in Article I Section 2 of the Constitution: "The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. " http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Constitution_of_the_United_States_of_...

So Congress (and by extension the Census Bureau) can do whatever they see fit, the Constitution allows it in black and white.

For what it's worth, Census takes a great deal of pride in keeping your data private. They've turned away (and been supported in court for doing so) the FBI with warrants, and precedent for the last several decades has maintained their right to keep data private.

Interesting side note - the short form is basically unchanged since the 1700s. I think they got rid of the question that asks how many slaves you own.

It's good to have doubts and ask questions. I encourage more people to think sceptically, but in this case the law is clear, and the precedent looks good. Every 10 years a handful of extremists comes out with a bunch of "anti-census" rhetoric. Back in 2000, I remember it was a bunch of hippies and stoners protesting. This year it is actual politicians and elected Representatives (Michele Bachmann for one) who are protesting this. You'd think they would have read the Constitution.
Actually, the TV ads, post cards and other publicity crap are to avoid having to send a person to your door because you forgot to send in your questionnaire. It saves the Census several million (I think the actual number is 40 or 70million) of your tax dollars for every extra 1% of respondents that return a form and don't require a "door knock."
I didn't get one
Vic....the VA was keeping all patients data secret too.....And about 1 1/2 years ago we got notified that someone tapped into it and got all the SS ##..and I disagree....they have the right to know numbers...nothing else....and Sir..what is your view of the 2nd ammendment...? 8)
Would you like mine....? LOL

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