should juniors be allowed to ride ambulance and have patient contact. a junior can see something bad on an MVA but should they help treat it. EMS had more physcological damage then fire, should juniors be allowed to do ems too. if yes, why and what good comes of it, if no why not?

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It's my understanding that the whole reason behind the explorer posts is to expose the kids to what we do in this career field. That means the good, the bad, and the ugly.
We allow our explorers to ride with us on the ambo and on the apparatus. This is only after they have proven themselves to be mature enough to handle the given situations. During their orientation, it is made crystal clear to them the rules of HIPPA, liability, confidentiality, etc...Now, there have been some calls where we asked the explorer to step out of the room or the ambo(exposing a female, delivering a baby, etc...).
As far as fires, our explorers are not allowed to enter the fire building until the fire is declared out, overhaul is completed, and the building is cleared by the Iincident Commander.
As far as EMS, their patient contact is very limited and with the conscious patients, we explain to them that he/she is an explorer and then we ask for permission for the explorer to do some patient assessment accompanied by a member of the department.
So my answer is yes, with restrictions.
Once upon a time, there were not too many rules and folks could just do things... lots of things, without consequence or reprisal. But it's the 21st century now, and we have a little concept known as HIPPA. End of discussion.

Health Information Privacy

The Office for Civil Rights enforces the HIPAA Privacy Rule, which protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information; the HIPAA Security Rule, which sets national standards for the security of electronic protected health information; and the confidentiality provisions of the Patient Safety Rule, which protect identifiable information being used to analyze patient safety events and improve patient safety.

Regardless of the educational benefits for juniors, riding on an ambulance is no longer a viable option, unless you work and live in an area that is very rural, where rules and regulations that most follow are simply ignored.

It's my understanding that the whole reason behind the explorer posts is to expose the kids to what we do in this career field. That means the good, the bad, and the ugly.

No, the purpose of such programs were to expose kids to the aspects of the job and let them get a sense of what it involves to help them decide if this is a career path they may want to pursue. By no means does that mean a child should be exposed to a hazardous environment, situations, or placed in danger. At some point people forgot that and now you have kids who think they have the "right" to be more involved and treated as a FF.

There is no reason for a child or any other observer today to be in the back of an ambulance. There are just too many issues involved which can come back and bite you, HIPAA, exposure control, liabilities and so forth. Much of the stuff that happens in the back of the box can wait until one decides if this job is the right one for them and something they want to pursue, there is no reason to be observing an ambulance as an explorer or junior. Much of the same stuff they can get a sense for by riding along with an engine or ladder, but there is no reason to be riding an ambulance.
HIPPA where I am from is never overlooked. My explorers and senior EMS people go through extensive legal education. It is a must for going on the road.
NO!!!!!!!!! For all the reasons already listed in every other Jr post
ding ding ding... we have a winner!

Aka - ditto!
NO...!!! Have you been reading ANYTHING at all here...? Same issues with liability as mentioned numerous times.....research a project before you try and put something intelligent up........please.
Hey "Batman"...wake up...Gotham City is safe....But Mr call 1-800-lawyer is not...the liability in having Jr. on a rig far outreaches any benefit thay may this day of legal issues we do NOT need another way for us to loose our asses in a court case.....Let them wait as we had didn't affest us (too much) and it won't deter them if they are truely interested.....Please no more Jr. posts...the answers will always be the same.....thanks......Paul
"Your" explorers and senior people...? what the hell are you talking about...per your profile you are only 15 years old for God's sake....Please don't tell me they made you a Chief or some other stupid idea....I have a better idea....put your Mommy on the computer.....Paul
How many times do we have to explain the same issues to those who don't want to listen. To all the jr.s who get it, great hang in there your turn will come. To all the jr.s with a sense of entitlement get out and find an area that doesn't require you to have patience.
No, our Jr.'s are not even allowed to go to MVA/MVC incidents. Not only is it dangerous do to traffic but there some stuff that nobody should see.

Remember be patient your time will come. but know this: There is a lot of heartbreak in this job.

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