I've been seeing some non firefighters join the Nation recently and was wondering what members thought of removing anyone who is not currently, never has been or is not trying to enter the fire/EMS service from being a part of the site?

I've left things fairly open until now, but want to be sure we stay focused on serving firefighters, EMS and Rescue personnel first and only!

Also any thoughts on restricting videos to be 'fire/EMS related' only, or should it be open to everyone's personal videos, etc. since that also is a big part of social networking?

I have no thought or plan to change photos...because it is a social network I think its important that photos be of both a personal and fire service nature, without too many limits unless its inappropriate. Same goes for blogs, although we may start separating fire/EMS specific blogs from personal ones on the home page.

Thanks for the feedback,

Web Chief

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I don't care one way or another... sometimes it's not a bad idea for non-ems members to see what it's actually like to be ems... some are always complaining that the public doesn't get it. Of course the members who come on here and invite others to parties or whatever else and then swear at the Chief because they are in the wrong section don't necessarily have to be here... all in all, it really doesn't matter. There are thousands of ems members on here and still the pertinent questions and topics don't get answers... lol!
agree fully with you been trying to catch you to worn about possible problem if he shows here so if i get chance will fill you in K D
Okay, I have to chime in again on this.
Chief, your doing a great job with the site and Im happy to be a member. I guess my opinion would be, If it aint broke, dont fix it. If its broke, fix it!
Please let us all remeber a couple points though before we start hammering those who are not emergency responders on this site.
I have to believe they are here because they have an interest in this business in one form or another.
Some are future recruits, some are retired from the services, some are the members of the communities we took oath to protect and serve, some are the taxpayers you will ask to support you on your next equipment purchase. Some are young and some old. Some are here to learn. Some are here to just try and see what makes us tick. Some are here just to offer their hearts, thanks and appreciation for what we do.
Just trying to look outside the box and offer another point of view. Please take these thoughts into consideration.

Be Safe Everyone!!!

i think it should be only for firefighters and ems people. we use this to talk to our bothers and sisters. plus we learn from each other as well.
I agree. We do talk about things that the oublic should not know. Nothing against the people but this should only be for Fire-EMS personel.

Firefighter #49
This is the fire/rescue site yes, but how many non-brother hood people do we really have? Is it worth all the work to find them and remove them from the site? If so then by all means do it, but if there arent that many then i say just leave them if they arent hurting anything. Either way most of us will back your decision. Good luck chief.
yeah i gotta say keep it fire EMS
im on the vote for only FF and EMS.
and i too hate to see the duplicates of videos.
i think videos should pertain to the service,,not personal.
just my opinion,
i love the sight bud,,your doing a hell of a job.
take care, be safe.
I defiently think that we should limit this site to a members only site for Fire and EMS Personell, as for limiting photos and info to Fire and EMS only I agree to some point, however if someone wants to post pics of their family and loved ones in their profile they should be allowed to do so. I know for myself my wife is my support network and has been supportive of me throughout my career and she is truly my best friend so including her pic in my profile is very importatnt to me.

Take Care All
Stay Safe...Make it Safe
Chief,I think it's a good idea.If it was just an anybody site it would be myspace or any of the others that may come to mind.But this is a place for us as fire and emergency service to come and let our hair down,so to say,and just hang out and talk.
Pics are a good expression of what we do and who we are on and off the job.
Well this is a great place to come and share stories and experience about the fire and emergency services.If we opened up to everyone wouldn't it kinda defeat it's purpose.
Would we become another myspace or youtube?

For me I'm making connections with people I would otherwise probably never get the chance to meet.Even though I may not work with them shoulder to shoulder out on that call,I feel a real kinship.There again Brother and sister hood!I'm not saying people out there don't understand,but,this is for us.Let this be our one selfish thing,because we risk it all everytime we answer those tones and walk out that door.
I really did think long and hard before replying to this thread. Even though I have some non-firefighters/non-EMS folks in my friends list, I think it might not be an altogether bad idea to eliminate their memberships. Again, its hard to determine who is a never was, who is a wannabe and who is a willbe/trainee/probie/FF/EMS responder. I think we have to sort of go on the honor system here. Obviously, anyone who says that are involved in the types of emergency services described in this site and is NOT deserves to be flogged with a 5" pipe with the coupling attached, not to mention that fact that portraying oneself as a firefighter, fire police/LEO, EMT/Medic is illegal, it is really just a slap in the face to those of us who are working damned hard to get into the fire service (ie trainees and probies. We recently had a practice burn involving diesel and pallet wood. Unless you are actually doing that kind of thing and not just saying it, or have actually gone through a tower exercise and the constant weekly training and fought fires and worked to save lives and you say that you do or have, I have nothing to say to you.

I do have mixed feelings I guess. We have quite a few non-responders here who are very supportive and curious about what we do and letting us know that they care for us, want us to stay safe, etc. But maybe thats for another site (something like firefightersandthosewholovethem.com). As for the videos, yeah, lets get rid of the repetitions and perhaps keep the videos confined to emergency response. As much as I like seeing Suzie Somebody's kids having a birthday party, it isnt relevant to the point of the site, takes up space, slows things down and in general is kind of a waste of space. Also, please, even if you are a emergency responder who belongs on the site, lets cease and desist with the what do I do about child custody and marital issues type of thing unless they are saying "i am having this trouble, how to other FF's deal with it?" Again, this is a waste of space and doesn't pertain to the intentions of the site.

That's my two cents and YMMV.


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