mike wright
  • 47, Male
  • lakeview
  • United States
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Mike wright's Friends

  • Leonard L Gunderman
  • -chicka-PtFd
  • Joe Kerr
  • Kurt Kamm
  • T.J.
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd
  • Kimberly A Bownas
  • Chuck Wright
  • David Ebel
  • Marie
  • gary l henderson
  • Debra Pflieger
  • jamie

mike wright's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
7 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Coral Michigan
Years With Department/Agency
5 yrs
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Lakeview District Fire
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My brother was on a fire department and I enjoyed all his stories. So I wanted my own stories to tell my kids. And as my wife says I am an adrenaline junkie.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
a new situation every call
Top Issues Facing Responders:
communication and the need for training

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Mike wright's Blog

Have good news

Posted on August 5, 2008 at 10:07pm 1 Comment

Have some good news from Michigan for a change. My wife has been set for her final surgery, this date is set for Septemeber 3, 2008. This should end her surgeries for quite a while. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in September 6, 2006. This will be the final step of reconstruction. Then all that she will have is doctor appointments. This has been a hard road, but now that everything has worked out we are greatly relieved. She found out she was cancer free in November of 2007. This was also… Continue

small town technical training

Posted on February 25, 2008 at 8:34pm 0 Comments

I am from a small town and we dont do alot of calls a year. We dont run rescue, technical rescue, or hazmat. But does this mean that we dont need the training? I just got my hazmat tech certificate, and hope i never need to use the training in my community. I have been asked why i wanted to have that if we don't do that kind of work. My reply is if I need it i have it. As my instructors always tell us it another tool in our tool box. With each and every class I take I find that this is more… Continue

3 trapped firemen

Posted on February 11, 2008 at 8:32pm 1 Comment

Here in MIchigan we had 3 firemen get trapped in a two story house fire. The roof collapsed on them, and in the worst part of the day 2pm. They were short handed for most of the fire, but had enough help to get them out thankfully. They had atleast 4 departments there with engines, tenders and one ariel. That is a devistating thing to happen here in this area. I have never heard of anything like this here before. Thankfully they all got out with just minor injuries. This just proves that IT can… Continue

the fire fighter party

Posted on January 16, 2008 at 8:57pm 0 Comments

Yes I am hosting a fire fighter party. I have made some real good life long friends on here and would like to make more. This will be a free willed weekend and should be a blast. We are a young couple and hope to have plenty of friends to share stories and to party with for the weekend. Bring your camper or tent and be ready to party. Check out the forum and reply to my yahoo account wright48850@yahoo.com if you are interested in coming. See you in June


Posted on September 30, 2007 at 8:35pm 0 Comments

Why in a world of war, starvation,and disease do people have to have an attitude over little things. The little things shouldn't get us worked up, but for most of us it does. If we have no more of a life than that we are pretty sad. If we have all this time to nitpick at what everyone says then we need a hobby. So in short we need to do somethng besides complain about little things in this time of sorrow.

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At 11:33am on November 10, 2008, Darryll Hamlin said…
Hi Mike! both my parents are dead. my sister in law lives in lake view.she is stationed thier as a msp trooper.dylynn rice and dan rice two kids keith and kayla. I was curious if you knew them thats all, you take care be safe and god bless.
At 10:17pm on October 26, 2008, Darryll Hamlin said…
Hi ! Mike. from northern Michigan Petoskey just wanted to say hi from a fellow michigander. I see that your from the fine town of Lakeview, I have relatives that live there and frequent you town ocassionally. Hey you take care,be safe and god bless.
At 7:12pm on August 27, 2008, Norman E. Flanders said…
Mike I left you some help on your mutual aid question. Again best of luck and if you get a min. on my page you'll see some of our inter-dept. trng. a RIT Class we offered. Stay SAFE!!!! Norm
At 7:49pm on May 26, 2008, Randy said…
Hey, Mike how are things in the north going? pretty good to the south of younot alot of exciting calls. going to class for my mfr will be done in june
take care rando
At 9:22pm on April 20, 2008, Engineco913 said…
Hey Bro.

Your right, my hours lately have been insane. We worked 3 days and 4 nights on Fishers Island New York last week. 40 hours in 3 days and 53 for 5. Not a bad paycheck of $1345. :):)
I am glad to hear things are better, I hope it keeps getting better, I should be on some this week, and more in the next few weeks with bowling season ending soon. Between work, the firehouse and bowling, I have had very little time with the exception of a quick hello here and there.
Be well bro, it is nice hearing from you.
At 11:03pm on April 2, 2008, Engineco913 said…
cock and spotted dick?

Has nothing to do with firefighting, but sure is worth a smile and laugh :)

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