The past six months have been a mix of old school backyard workouts, body weight excersise, crossfit, running, kettlebells, and free weights. Needless to say, I've seen tramendous results from when I started on this voyage.

In the past month, my coworkers and I have ended our PT sessions running up and down the stairwell of a 4 story building, 4 times, while wearing 25 pound weight vests, and carrying heavy sandbags, ending each set with pushups, crunches, and planks.

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now that my pool is open I have been doing a lot of swimming and a lot of yard work along with some weight lifting and some treadmill work.
Been riding my bike anywhere from 10-30 miles depending on the day,weather. Also use workout equipment at the station.
believe it or not i dont work out i just work when im at home cleanin house i have a pair of flip flops with a tack in them and i walk around the house on tippy toes all day can you say calf work out
Hey that sounds. I do my kettlebell workout 3 times a week and I also boxing, kickboxing and mixed martial arts 4 times a week. I have been trying to get my hands on a weight vest to use in our new firehouse that as way more stairs than the one but I have been unsuccessful. The New firehouse has a fitness room in it but no equipment yet and we are looking for donations from local gyms for used equipment but the person in charge of that doesnt seem to be trying nor succesful.
Oh well, stay safe and keep moving.
I've been running and using the elliptical for the last twp years. I'velost some weight, but more important, have definitely gotten back into shape. I feel like a lightweight after reading a lot of your workouts. Is there anyone that just runs?
I started running and going to the gym just a general workout with some free weights and the universal. Feel great lost some weight and now if I can just get rid of my spare tire it would be great. On top of it all my daughter joined the dept as a junior and is now going to the gym with me so its rubbing off.
Been going to the gym now for about 8 months at least 2-3 days a week due to my work schedual, and my home life, 2 little ones there. My workout mostly consist of just cardio never got into the weight lifteng or training, only cause i have no one to show me. I'm down to 262 and would like to cut another 50lbs, and suggestions or pointers? I would appriciate it...Thanks and good luk to you all
I have been doing a split training, Day 1 is 5min on the treadmill then 1 set of 14 bench press then 5 more min on the treadmill then 1set of 14 shoulder press and so on so that I end up getting 20 min of cardio and about 15 to 20 min of weight lifting and my schedual is Mon,Tue on, Wed off, Thu. Fri on and Sat and Sun off
Riding 100-150 miles a week with 2 days of strength training added in on Interval days.

Keep it up guys and gals!
During the summer months I find it very hard to get time to work out(full time job has me gone around 12 to 14 hours a day, and very active), but still get a good workout each day just doing normal work task, etc. If I do happen to get laid off at all in the winter I hit the workout room at the station or run on the tredmil at home everyday(usually lift one day, run the next, etc) One thing i like about the TM is right in front of the tv and usually put an old high school football highlight tape in(awesome music there as well) and just go, run til i get sore or tired then walk, then just start up running again, usually for around 30 to 45 mins. 2 years ago i was at 200 and not in the greatest of shape, since I've dropped down to 180 and lost alot more in body fat, put the muscle on and running more. I really notice it on a good fire(lot less air used). If I do not have the chance to workout during the day I will at least do 50 pushups and 2 hard, fast sets of 30 sit ups(isn't much but its quick and it is somthing).

Stay safe and have fun.
Hit 600 miles for the year last week...

Now the goal is consistent 150 mile weeks and to be able to do over half on the road! So tired of the trainer...
About a month and a half ago while waiting for my broken ribs to heal, I discovered crossfit. The beginning of July I was cleared to start working out again and have been doing it since and really love it.


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