I was curious as to what other depts. allow regarding blue (or red is some states) lights. I am at 2 depts. and the smaller one lets me use blue lights and the larger one doesn't. What is you departments policy? Do you think it is a good idea for jrs to run lights?

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we use red lights and white on our trucks. i think jrs should not use lights because just that they need to be more trained in what we do. now we have a few vol. that has light on their pov's but they are red. thats pertty much how we can tell fire from police.
im in nj, its only blues and i herd you can use the an electronic horn (form a siren) but cant use the siren tones
I dont know about your state laws but in Pa, blue lights have to be registered with the state police. they do not give you the right away and you still have to obay all traffic laws. as for jrs having blue lights. no go. you get there when you get there. be safe. remember how many ff are killed in accdents each year.
juniors shouldn't even be allowed to carry flashlights===much less blue lights. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying we shouldn't have juniors/explorers but they should be there to watch and learn. In my state if you are a junior/explorer then you have not been to the FIRE ACADEMY yet. So of what benefit would it be to the rest of the dept. or the community to have a teenager going 80mph with flashing/strobing/rotating/alternating/wig-wag blue or red lights endangering other people or possibly their self on the roadway enroute to a fire call and when they get there all they can do is just stand back and watch. Going into a fire scene when you haven't been to the academy and trained is not only dangerous but could also be a liability. Same goes with passing out emergency lights and allowing someone who just got their driver's license 1-2 years prior to go 90 to nothin'. Dangerous and a liability!!!

You guys have got to remember if you dont let us expeirience anything we will never learn.
I agree no lights though. Stay safe
i would say being from a jr. dept if the perason is 17 and has trainig and a clean driving record.
If the "perason" is 17 and has a clean driving record? You mean after they've been driving for a whole year? How much driving experience does a 17 year old have?
no juniors should only ride on apparatus to calls
my dept. allows for blue lights for jrs. only if they are on scene i feel that running with a blue ligt on to a no crop grass fire or no structurs involved then no and as far as trucks responding to same i feel they should go on the quiet
I think its a great idea to have jrs rin blue lights, however i do see some problems with. Jrs are reckless inexpierienced drivers who hit the gas pedal a little two fast when the tones go off. No offense to anyone i am also a Jr. The way my dept works is upon evaluation by the chief you are allowed to run lights.
and in response to terry "juniors shouldn't even be allowed to carry flashlights===much less blue lights" dude chill out many adults shouldnt be allowed to run blue lights either they drive just as bad.
Humm? seems to be a theme here. And why should Jrs even consider lights?
i am from ny and all of are vol depts run blue light with a blue light card from your chief and only the chief and asst chief can run red light jrs cant run anny light at all police in ny are only allowed to have one blue light in the back window and in ny you cant go throw a red light with your blue light you have to wate for the light to change to green than you can go


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